Идиомы на тему Body

  • in one's blood
    (быть) в крови у кого-либо
    Traveling is in the man's blood; he has visited about thirty countries already.
  • in cold blood
    The criminal murdered several people in cold blood.
  • make a clean breast of (something)
    чистосердечно признаться в чём-либо, облегчить душу
    I decided to make a clean breast of everything, and I think I will feel better.
  • draw blood
    ранить до крови
    The fencers are not supposed to draw blood during the competition or while exercising.
  • have broad shoulders
    умение много работать и брать на себя ответственность
    The father has broad shoulders and does most of the repairs about the house.
  • out of breath
    прерывисто дышать, запыхаться
    Jim stopped near the entrance; he was out of breath because he had been running.
  • cover one's back
    оградить себя от грядущих неприятностей
    Unfortunately Mr. Quirk was not able to cover his back when dealing with the racketeers.
  • No sweat!
    не трудно
    "It is no sweat for me to help you clean up your kitchen."
  • off one's back
    перестать докучать кому-либо, беспокоить кого-либо
    "I wish you would get off my back and stop asking me silly questions."
  • have (someone's) blood on one's hands
    быть ответственным за чью-либо гибель \ за пролитую кровь
    The criminal had the victim's blood on his hands.
  • make (someone's) blood boil
    приводить кого-либо в бешенство, "кровь вскипела"
    I can't stand Ken. His misbehavior makes my blood boil.
  • play one's cards close to one's chest
    вести переговоры в осторожной и конфиденциальной манере
    Sue played her cards close to her chest when she went to the bank to settle her problem.
  • breathe down (someone's) neck
    стоять за спиной у кого-либо, дышать кому-либо в затылок, заставлять торопиться
    "I am sure to complete the work in time, so stop breathing down my neck!"
  • hold one's breath
    затаить дыхание
    The little girl held her breath when she saw a beautiful doll in the shop window.
  • body blow
    сокрушительный удар или серьёзные повреждения
    Ron's small house received a body blow when the hurricane hit the town.
  • bone of contention
    яблоко раздора, предмет разногласий
    The inheritance their Grandfather had left to the sisters was a bone of contention for them.
  • huff and puff
    тяжело дышать, пыхтеть
    Old Michael huffed and puffed when he climbed the stairs.
  • thick-skinned
    толстокожий, не чувствительный
    It's good to be thick-skinned; then you are not easily hurt or upset.
  • smell blood
    желать узнать причину, взять след
    McAllister could smell blood when he began to investigate the poisoning of the elderly couple by their own granddaughter.
  • make (someone's) flesh crawl
    приводить кого-либо в ужас (мороз по коже)
    Sandra heard a terrible scream outside and it made her flesh crawl.
  • off one's chest
    снять груз с души
    My problems have been gnawing me, and at last I decided to talk to my friend to get them off my chest.
  • get under (someone's) skin
    надоедать или расстраивать кого-либо
    Lora is a bit of a busybody and it gets under my skin.
  • break into a cold sweat (about something)
    покрыться холодным потом (от волнения / страха)
    Pam broke out in a cold sweat when she saw that terrible sight.
  • not move a muscle
    не двигаться, не шевелиться
    The doctor told the wounded soldier not to move a muscle while he was working on his wound.
  • land in one's lap
    добавить кому-либо работы
    Some additional work landed in my lap quite unexpectedly and now I'll have to deal with it.
  • breathe one's last
    умереть, испустить дух
    Mrs. Nolan had been suffering from a weak heart for quite some time before she breathed her last several days ago.
  • as soft as a baby's bottom
    очень мягкий и гладкий (как кожа младенца)
    My fleece jacket is as soft as a baby's bottom.
  • millstone around (someone's) neck
    обуза, ярмо на чьей-либо шее
    Jeffrey Jones has a handicap, but it is not a millstone around his family's neck; he is able to earn his own money.
  • turn (someone's) stomach
    вызывать тошноту
    The rolling of the boat turned his stomach.
  • bust a gut (to do something)
    много и напряжённо работать
    I am going away on holiday next week, so I'll have to bust a gut to get my work finished before I leave.
  • wait with bated breath
    ждать с нетерпением; ждать, затаив дыхание
    Jack waited with bated breath for the results of his medical tests.
  • bundle of nerves
    комок нервов
    "I have become a bundle of nerves while dealing with my boss."
  • hate (someone's) guts
    чувствовать очень сильную антипатию к кому-либо
    Andy and Patrick have been at each other's throats and have hated each other's guts for years.
  • yellow-bellied
    чрезвычайно робкий или трусливый
    Derek Prichard is a yellow-bellied guy; it's no use giving him tough assignments.
  • can't stomach (someone or something)
    не переносить, не переваривать (кого-либо \ что-либо)
    I can't stand the way Jill behaves in public places.