Идиомы на тему Body
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jump down (someone's) throat
разозлиться, выйти из себяMy father jumped down my throat over the missing money.
down to the bone
полностью, до самого корня \ до костейThe weather was very frosty, and it chilled me right down to the bone.
jump out of one's skin
вздрогнуть, подскочить (от испуга, неожиданности)When Nancy heard moans and groans coming from the basement, she jumped out of her skin.
keep body and soul together
жить впроголодь, едва сводить концы с концамиI earned very little money that year and could hardly keep body and soul together.
out for blood
желать наказать кого-либо, жаждать кровиThe boy's mother was out for blood when she discovered that he was doing badly at school.
get (something) out of one's system
избавиться от желания что-либо делать"I want you to get gossiping out of your system."
chilled to the bone
промерзнуть до костейAs I wore a flimsy coat, I got chilled to the bone.
catch one's breath
перевести дух, передохнутьJimmy stopped to catch his breath; he had been running fast.
one's flesh and blood
близкий, кровный родственникSusan is my flesh and blood so I was shocked when I learnt that she had got involved in a fraud.
new blood
свежая кровь (люди с новыми идеями)They needed new blood: new ideas and people to carry out these ideas.
at each other's throats
драться, спорить всё время (брать друг друга за горло)The husband and wife argue a lot and are always at each other's throats.
dead from the neck up
глуп, как пробкаMiss Rivers is a blonde and is supposed to be dead from the neck up.
as broad as a barn door
очень толстый, (широкий как амбарная дверь)Mrs. Smart, the cook in the restaurant, was as broad as a barn door.
Миссис Смарт, повар из ресторана, была очень толстой. -
break one's back/neck (to do something)
делать всё возможное, работать много и усердноRobert broke his back to try and get the information he wanted.
get/have a lump in one's throat
почувствовать комок в горле (от волнения)While watching the film "Stepmother" I got a lump in my throat.
behind one's back
(делать что-либо) за чьей-либо спинойI hate people who gossip behind my back.
eyes are bigger than one's stomach
взять больше еды, чем сможешь съесть; одни глаза не сыты"Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. You've eaten much food as it is."
carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders
нести все (все проблемы мира) на своих плечахMary seems to be burdened by all the problems of the world as if she were carrying the weight of it on her shoulders.
straight from the shoulder
(говорить) прямо, без обиняковI appreciate my friend's open and honest ways; he always speaks straight from the shoulder.
joined at the hip
(два человека) проводящие всё время вместе, "не разлей вода"The two friends are joined at the hip; they always spend all their time together.
hard to stomach (someone or something)
трудно вытерпеть (кого-либо \ что-либо)I find some of my colleagues and their attitude to work hard to stomach.
skin and bones
кожа да кости, очень худойCecily has been keeping to a slimming diet for a long time, and now she is all skin and bones.
to the bone
до основания, насквозь, до костейI am afraid I have worked my fingers to the bone.
head and shoulders above (someone or something)
намного лучше чего-либо; на голову выше кого-либоPeter is an excellent tennis player; he is head and shoulders above the other players in his town.
save one's breath
помалкивать; не соваться со своим мнением, советамиI had a lot of questions to ask her, but looking how upset she was, I thought I'd better save my breath.
feel (something) in one's bones
интуитивно чувствовать что-либоJacob felt it in his bones that he was not going to get the job that he wanted.
pat on the back
похвалитьThe teacher gave Mark a pat on the back because he had passed a very difficult test.
make no bones about (something)
не колебаться или не церемонитьсяMike made no bones about the matter; he despised Captain Blood.
bare bones (of something)
самые основные части чего-либо"You can't possibly cut out these paragraphs from your essay; they are the bare bones of the topic."
at the top of one's lungs
(кричать) очень громко; во всё горлоI saw my friend on the other side of the road and yelled at the top of my lungs to attract his attention.
sweat blood
быть озабоченным и напряжённымDuring the interrogation the man was sweating blood.
taste blood
быть в состоянии причинить вред (своему врагу)Jimmy could taste blood when he discovered the weak points of the man whom he detested.
waste one's breath
напрасно тратить слова, говорить попустуI felt I was wasting my breath, trying to convince Wanda not to quit her job.
hardly have time to breathe
быть очень занятымThey hardly had time to breathe while they were preparing to move to a new house.
stab (someone) in the back
предавать, клеветать за спиной, "всадить нож в спину"I can never again trust Kelly because she tried to stab me in the back.