Идиомы на тему Body

  • take (someone's) pulse
    щупать, измерять пульс
    When the doctor came, she listened to my heart and lungs and took my pulse.
  • on (someone's) back
    предъявлять претензии, надоедать кому-либо
    Mark is constantly criticizing me; he has been on my back ever since I started working in this department.
  • fall/drop into one's lap
    нежданная удача
    The chance to go on a trip to Baltimore dropped into my lap quite suddenly.
  • know (something) in one's bones
    интуитивно чувствовать что-либо
    I know it in my bones that Joe is going to deceive me again.
  • in the same breath
    почти одновременно, не переводя дыхания
    Ronald said he was busy, but in the same breath he offered to drive us to the country.
  • by the sweat of one's brow
    работать в поте лица
    Heinz succeeded in making enough money to buy a new house by the sweat of his brow.
  • in the flesh
    во плоти, живьём, собственной персоной
    Irene never had the chance of meeting somebody important in the flesh.
  • know where all the bodies are buried
    знать все важные детали или секреты
    I knew where all the bodies were buried in the company, but I never told anyone.
  • have (someone's) hide
    ругать или наказывать кого-либо
    My Granny promised to have my hide if I don't behave.
  • rub shoulders (with someone)
    общаться, знаться с кем-либо
    Amelia rubbed shoulders only with the famous and the rich.
  • get the cold shoulder (from someone)
    быть холодно принятым или отвергнутым кем-либо
    William got the cold shoulder when he visited his relatives in California.
  • kink in one's neck
    судорога, болезненный спазм в шее
    I didn't sleep well that night and woke up in the morning with a kink in my neck.
  • pull one's (own) weight
    принимать участие в чём-либо, свой вклад в общее дело
    My mother wanted me to pull my weight in cleaning the house.
  • yoke around (someone's) neck
    ярмо на чьей-либо шее, обуза
    I don't want to live on my parents and be a yoke around their necks.
  • curdle (someone's) blood
    испугать кого-либо, заставить оцепенеть от страха
    The sight of the dead body curdled my blood.
  • not have the stomach for (something)
    не иметь желания делать что-либо (если считаете это неприятным)
    I do not have the stomach for doing this silly job.
  • tear/rip (someone) limb from limb
    разорвать кого-либо на части
    Two large dogs attacked a small kitten and tore it limb from limb.
  • warts and all
    всецело, включая что-либо плохое
    Jordan seems to like Leila warts and all.
  • difficult to stomach (someone or something)
    трудно согласиться с кем-либо \ чем-либо, принять, переварить
    It is difficult to stomach complaints some people make about their work conditions.
  • skin-deep
    поверхностный, не глубокий
    Eric seems to be knowledgeable, but I am sure his knowledge is skin-deep.
  • flex one's muscles
    пытаться показать свою власть
    The apartment manager was flexing his muscles when he threatened to raise the rent.
  • too rich for (someone's) blood
    (быть) слишком дорогостоящим для кого-либо
    A holiday in Spain is too rich for my blood so I decided not to go there.
  • on (someone's) shoulders
    (ответственность) на чьих-либо плечах
    The responsibility for organizing the homecoming ball was on Miss Cobbler's shoulders.
  • save (someone's) neck/skin
    спасать свою шкуру
    Jeremy had to sell his investments in order to save his neck.
  • risk one's neck (to do something)
    рисковать сломать шею, делая что-либо
    I risked my neck in order to rescue the cat that had climbed out onto the balcony.
  • thin-skinned
    тонкокожий, чувствительный
    Alan is so thin-skinned that even an innocent remark might hurt him.
  • carry one's (own) weight
    делать свою долю работы
    Everyone in the family had to carry his own weight during the spring cleaning in the house.
  • shoulder to shoulder
    плечом к плечу
    The soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder.
  • put flesh on (something)
    добавить детали к чему-либо
    I decided to put flesh on my new project so that it becomes clearer and more detailed.
  • gird up one's loins
    собраться с силами (для выполнения трудной работы)
    Sara got ready to gird up her loins and begin to read for her Math exam.
  • cut a fine figure
    нарядиться и хорошо выглядеть
    Alec cut a fine figure when he went to the job interview last week.
  • vent one's spleen
    избавиться от раздражения или злобы
    I am very angry at the manager's suggestion to transfer me to another department and I haven't been able to vent my spleen so far.
  • time to catch one's breath
    достаточно времени, чтобы передохнуть
    Mrs. Normandy had no time to catch her breath because her grandchildren were staying with her.
  • contemplate one's navel
    думать о своих проблемах
    "If I were you, I would stop contemplating my navel and do something to improve the situation.
  • thorn in (someone's) side
    источник постоянного раздражения или неприятностей; "бельмо на глазу'
    Julia was his brother's wife and a thorn in his side.