Идиомы на тему Animals
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monkey business
обман, неэтичное поведение, противозаконная деятельностьJack is involved in some monkey business; he'd better get rid of it otherwise he may go to prison.
paper tiger
неопасный противник, "бумажный тигр"I think Jim Gardens is a paper tiger and has really no power in the company.
rat on (someone)
выдать кого-либо, рассказав о неприглядном поведении; донестиI asked my sister not to tell Mother about the spoilt carpet, but she ratted on me.
rub (someone/someone's fur) the wrong way
раздражать кого-либо, "гладить против шерсти"Olaf's insolence and rude behavior constantly rubs me the wrong way.
in a pig's eye
ни коим образом, никогда"Would I marry Tom? In a pig's eye!"
horse sense
здравый смысл, мудрость в принятии решенийI can never rely on his horse sense; he is not wise enough to make a proper decision.
make a monkey out of (someone)
заставить кого-либо выглядеть глупо, подшутитьAnne's classmates made a monkey out of her by telling her the party was to be a masquerade.
hold one's horses
ждать, быть терпеливым, "попридержи коней""Hold your horses!" Mr. Smith said to Ron when the latter said he would call the police.
like lambs to the slaughter
безропотно, покорно, "как агнец на закланье"Our baseball players went like lambs to the slaughter to meet the best team in our area.
like a deer caught in the headlights
(быть) в замешательствеMarion looked like a deer caught in the headlights when she learnt that she had failed the test.
get off one's high horse
перестать важничатьI wish George would get off his high horse as it is very annoying.
lone wolf
волк-одиночка (о замкнутом или нелюдимом человеке)The man was a lone wolf; he had neither friends nor family to spend his time with.
get on one's high horse
вести себя высокомерно, важничатьAlice is very bossy; when she gets on her high horse, there is no stopping her.
donkey's years
очень долгое времяFanny had been working at a shoe factory for donkey's years before she retired.
look a gift horse in the mouth
дарёному коню в рот не смотрят"William's father gave him a computer, but William complained that the computer was outdated. His father told him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
as scared as a rabbit
пугливый как заяцThe little boy became as scared as a rabbit when he saw that he was surrounded by strangers.
throw (someone) to the lions
взвалить ответственность за провал на кого-либо; "сделать кого-либо козлом отпущения"The company was about to go bankrupt. It was decided to throw the financial director to the lions, which was absolutely unfair.
monkey around with (someone or something)
попусту тратить время на кого-либо \ что-либо"Why are you monkeying around with your camera? You have a lot of homework to do."
horse trade
усиленно торговаться, "рядиться", вести трудные переговорыThey had to horse trade, but they were finally able to make a business agreement.
throw (someone) to the wolves
отдать кого-либо на растерзаниеIn order to explain the situation to the press the governor blamed the mayor and threw him to the wolves.
in two shakes of a lamb's tail
очень быстро"Please, wait for me. I'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail."
rat out on (someone)
бросить кого-либо в беде, предатьMy best friend ratted out on me at a critical time, and I am not going to forgive him his betrayal.
go whole hog
делать всё возможноеThey went whole hog in their effort to make sure that the contest would be a success.
wild horses could not drag (someone away)
ничто не может заставить кого-либо оторваться от что-либоWild horses could not drag Emily away from her favorite computer game.
turn tail
поспешно уйти или броситься бежатьThe men in front of me turned tail like a dog that had been whistled home, and fled like the wind.
by shank's mare
пешком, "на своих двоих"My car got broken, so I had to come to work by shank's mare.
go hog-wild
вести себя бесконтрольно, безудержноThe football fans went hog-wild when their favorite team won the game.
on horseback
верхом на лошадиI saw Pam ride on horseback yesterday.
kill the fatted calf
встретить радушно; угостить лучшим, что есть домаAunt Mary was coming to visit us, so we decided to kill the fatted calf and have a big dinner in her honor.
more fun than a barrel of monkeys
очень смешной, забавныйJonny was more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and everybody loved to hear his jokes.
road hog
водитель, мешающий проезду другого транспортаLeo is a regular road-hog; he always uses more than his share of the road.
переносить кого-либо на плечах или на спине"Dad, I want you to give me a piggyback ride."
play possum
притвориться больным или мёртвым; прикинуться не понимающим"Don't you try to play possum; you know what I am talking about."
piggy bank
копилка (в виде свиньи)The mother gave Rita a piggy bank to put small coins into.
squirrel (something) away
сделать запас (заначку) чего-либоI sometimes have to squirrel some extra money away so that I can use it later.