Идиомы на тему Animals

  • monkey around with (someone or something)
    попусту тратить время на кого-либо \ что-либо
    "Why are you monkeying around with your camera? You have a lot of homework to do."
  • monkey business
    обман, неэтичное поведение, противозаконная деятельность
    Jack is involved in some monkey business; he'd better get rid of it otherwise he may go to prison.
  • monkey on one's back
    серьёзная, не решённая проблема
    I am not very good at math, and my math course is a real monkey on my back.
  • monkey see, monkey do
    копировать, "обезьянничать"
    It was monkey see, monkey do for Derek. He copied everything that his friend did.
  • more fun than a barrel of monkeys
    очень смешной, забавный
    Jonny was more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and everybody loved to hear his jokes.
  • not enough room to swing a cat
    недостаточно места
    Let's not have a party at Mary's place; there is not enough room to swing a cat in her apartment.
  • on horseback
    верхом на лошади
    I saw Pam ride on horseback yesterday.
  • one's bark is worse than one's bite
    чьи-либо слова страшнее, чем его дела
    Ma Brooks is always scolding her children, but they know her bark is worse than her bite, and they are not afraid of her.
  • one's tail between one's legs
    быть пристыженным или побеждённым
    Steve had boasted he would win the tournament, but he went home with his tail between his legs.
  • paper tiger
    неопасный противник, "бумажный тигр"
    I think Jim Gardens is a paper tiger and has really no power in the company.
  • piggy bank
    копилка (в виде свиньи)
    The mother gave Rita a piggy bank to put small coins into.
  • piggyback
    переносить кого-либо на плечах или на спине
    "Dad, I want you to give me a piggyback ride."
  • play cat and mouse with (someone)
    дразнить, дурачить; "играть в кошки-мышки"
    "Please, stop playing cat and mouse with me; I want to know your intentions immediately."
  • play possum
    притвориться больным или мёртвым; прикинуться не понимающим
    "Don't you try to play possum; you know what I am talking about."
  • put (someone or something) out to pasture
    удалить кого-либо на покой, перестать использовать что-либо
    They finally decided to put Old Kenworth out to pasture and asked him to give up his responsibilities.
  • put on the dog
    экстравагантно одеваться, свободно вести себя или хорошо развлекаться
    Let's go to a luxurious restaurant and put on the dog.
  • put the cart before the horse
    начать не с того конца, поступать шиворот-навыворот, "поставить телегу впереди лошади"
    They put the cart before the horse and took the effect for the cause.
  • put the cat among the pigeons
    причинять неприятности, "пустить козла в огород"
    "Don't send your secretary to talk to the angry students; it's like putting the cat among the pigeons."
  • rain cats and dogs
    льёт как из ведра
    The sky is overcast, and I bet it's raining cats and dogs in the mountains.
  • rat on (someone)
    выдать кого-либо, рассказав о неприглядном поведении; донести
    I asked my sister not to tell Mother about the spoilt carpet, but she ratted on me.
  • rat out on (someone)
    бросить кого-либо в беде, предать
    My best friend ratted out on me at a critical time, and I am not going to forgive him his betrayal.
  • rat race
    жизнь, как бесконечная гонка и отчаянная борьба за успех; "крысиные бега"
    Working and living in a big city is too much of a rat race that's why Sandra is not satisfied with her life in New-York.
  • ride herd on (someone)
    строго следить за кем-либо (как пастух следит за стадом)
    The head nurse was riding herd on the other nurses in the hospital.
  • road hog
    водитель, мешающий проезду другого транспорта
    Leo is a regular road-hog; he always uses more than his share of the road.
  • rub (someone/someone's fur) the wrong way
    раздражать кого-либо, "гладить против шерсти"
    Olaf's insolence and rude behavior constantly rubs me the wrong way.
  • sacred cow
    кто-либо \ что-либо никогда не подвергающееся критике, "священная корова"
    The ideas of my boss are a sacred cow that should never be criticized or laughed at.
  • scaredy-cat
    The children call Vera a scaredy-cat because she is easily frightened.
  • see a man about a dog
    пойти в туалет (эвфемизм)
    Jeremy drank too much beer, so he had to stop his car several times to see a man about a dog.
  • separate the sheep from the goats
    отделить более компетентных людей от менее компетентных, разделить на две группы
    I am not at all sure that joining the military is a good way to separate the men from the boys.
  • serve as a guinea pig
    быть подопытным кроликом
    "Is that a test you are going to perform? I don't want to serve as a guinea pig."
  • shaggy dog story
    длинный бессмысленный рассказ
    My cousin told me a shaggy dog story about how she had lost her purse.
  • smell a rat
    заподозрить, почуять неладное
    When Clara didn't come back with my money, I began to smell a rat.
  • squirrel (something) away
    сделать запас (заначку) чего-либо
    I sometimes have to squirrel some extra money away so that I can use it later.
  • straight from the horse's mouth
    услышать прямо из чьих-либо уст
    I heard the news about my friend's promotion straight from the horse's mouth.
  • straw that broke the camel's back
    переполнить чашу терпения
    Alan cheated on me again and it was the straw that broke the camel's back; I decided to break off with him.