Идиомы на букву O

  • out on bail
    брать на поруки или вносить залог
    Young Tom was arrested for swindling, but now he is out on bail.
  • out on one's ear
    заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо против воли, силой (выгнать с работы, из дома)
    The student failed to pass exams and was quickly out on his ear.
  • out on parole
    освобождать заключённого условно, условно-досрочное освобождение
    Don Moss was out on parole after having spent two years in prison.
  • out on patrol
    Sergeant Thompson was out on patrol when he saw a car speeding.
  • out on the town
    праздновать в городе
    It's my birthday the day after tomorrow and we are going to be out on the town.
  • out to lunch
    сумасшедший, "тронутый"
    "You must be out to lunch to suggest our sailing during the storm."
  • out-and-out (something)
    несомненно, бесспорно, целиком и полностью, убеждённый, матёрый, отъявленный
    The man is an out-and-out scoundrel, and I refuse to have anything in common with him.
  • out-of-date
    устаревший, вышедший из моды
    "Look at this dress! Don't you think it is out-of-date?"
  • out-of-pocket expenses
    расход собственных денежных средств
    Salem went on a business trip to Mexico and his out-of-pocket expenses were very high.