Идиомы на букву M

  • make a clean breast of (something)
    чистосердечно признаться в чём-либо, облегчить душу
    I decided to make a clean breast of everything, and I think I will feel better.
  • make good money
    зарабатывать хорошие деньги
    Pam was able to make good money doing a full-time job at a souvenir factory.
  • make money hand over fist
    зарабатывать много денег быстро и легко
    During the World War the company was making money hand over fist.
  • mind-numbing
    ужасно скучный
    The lecture was not interesting at all; it was mind-numbing.
  • make a cold call
    проводить опрос потенциальных клиентов по телефону
    My boss asked me to make cold calls from the telephone book.
  • make a long story short
    короче говоря
    To make a long story short, I have never thought much of Jimmy; he is ill-mannered and boastful.
  • make as if (to do something)
    действовать так, как будто собираешься делать что-либо
    Marion made as if to say something, but then she thought better of it.
  • make (someone's) blood boil
    приводить кого-либо в бешенство, "кровь вскипела"
    I can't stand Ken. His misbehavior makes my blood boil.
  • make a point
    сообщать, указать на, доказать важность
    Betty made a point on the necessity of installing a fire alarm in the house.
  • make a bed
    заправлять постель
    My brother is very lazy; he never takes pains to make his bed.
  • Many hands make light work
    Когда рук много, работа спорится.
    Many hands make light work and lots of people helped clean the town after the hurricane.
  • make arrangements for (someone or something)
    делать приготовления для кого-либо \ чего-либо, организовать
    I made arrangements for my son and his friends to go on an excursion.
  • move up (in the world)
    продвинуться, преуспеть
    The young actress is working very hard and she hopes to move up in the world.
  • mum's the word
    не выдавать секрет, помалкивать, "об этом ни гу-гу"
    "Mum's the word on the scandal. You should keep quiet about it and not tell anyone. Do you promise?"
  • make amends for (something)
    заглаживать вину, возмещать
    Carry's little bravado made her feel as if she ought to make amends.
  • make up one's face
    накладывать косметику, краситься
    That girl makes up her face badly; she looks an awful sight.
  • make a day of it
    провести целый день, посвятить целый день чему-либо
    Ms. Brown made up her mind to make a day of it and clean the whole house.
  • make (someone) eat crow
    заставить кого-либо признать ошибку или взять назад свои слова
    I knew Bob had made a mistake and I wanted to make him eat crow, but he didn't yield.
  • make oneself at home
    чувствовать себя как дома
    "Come on in and make yourself at home. I'll be with you in a minute."
  • make (someone's) hair curl
    сильно испугать или шокировать кого-либо
    The sight of the bleeding man with a knife in his side made my hair curl.
  • make a big deal about (something)
    преувеличивать важность чего-либо
    My mother exaggerates even small problems; I wish she would not make a big deal about everything.
  • make (someone's) flesh crawl
    приводить кого-либо в ужас (мороз по коже)
    Sandra heard a terrible scream outside and it made her flesh crawl.
  • make cracks (about someone or something)
    шутить, отпускать шутки на счёт кого-либо \ чего-либо
    The reporter made cracks about the famous actor during the interview.
  • more fun than a barrel of monkeys
    очень смешной, забавный
    Jonny was more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and everybody loved to hear his jokes.
  • make a comeback
    возвратиться (к прежней успешной карьере, власти, популярности)
    After the injury the figure skater has been training very hard in order to make a comeback.
  • make off with (someone or something)
    удрать, убежать с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Bobby took away a toy from a little boy and made off with it.
  • movers and shakers
    влиятельные люди
    The movers and shakers of the city attended the opening of the new stadium.
  • make headway
    делать успехи, продвигаться вперёд
    Though they had been bargaining for nearly three days, they didn't make headway with the agreement.
  • make a hit
    иметь успех
    The first night performance of Hamlet made a great hit.
  • millstone around (someone's) neck
    обуза, ярмо на чьей-либо шее
    Jeffrey Jones has a handicap, but it is not a millstone around his family's neck; he is able to earn his own money.
  • make (someone or something) available to (someone)
    сделать кого-либо \ что-либо доступным, досягаемым
    They made a car available to the handicapped person.
  • might as well
    с таким же успехом
    John was not listening to me; I might as well be talking to a wall.
  • money is no object
    цена не столь важна
    Money is no object if you have decided to go on a luxury voyage in the middle of summer.
  • miss the boat
    потерять возможность
    "Tell Joanna that she'd better get ready quickly or else she will miss the boat and not see this wonderful drama at the theatre."
  • make one's hair stand on end
    сильно напугать кого-либо, "волосы встали дыбом"
    She heard horrible screams of the tortured people and it made her hair stand on end.