Идиомы на букву M

  • make do with (something)
    заменять что-либо
    There was no porridge for breakfast, so they had to make do with cornflakes.
  • make oneself heard
    говорить громко, чтобы быть услышанным
    There was such a pandemonium in the classroom that the monitor could hardly make herself heard.
  • monkey business
    обман, неэтичное поведение, противозаконная деятельность
    Jack is involved in some monkey business; he'd better get rid of it otherwise he may go to prison.
  • make a monkey out of (someone)
    заставить кого-либо выглядеть глупо, подшутить
    Anne's classmates made a monkey out of her by telling her the party was to be a masquerade.
  • make (something) from scratch
    начать делать что-либо с нуля
    Mark made his wealth from scratch.
  • make (something) up to (someone)
    возмещать что-либо кому-либо, навёрстывать
    Ann borrowed some money from Willy, so naturally she had to make it up to him.
  • make a fuss (over someone or something)
    волноваться из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо, шумно суетиться
    Gordon will never make a fuss over trifles.
  • make a face (at someone)
    корчить гримасы
    "Stop making a face at the monkey," said the mother. - "He began it first," answered the son.
  • make a nuisance of oneself
    надоедать, досаждать
    "I don't want your brother-in-law to come and stay with us; he is constantly making a nuisance of himself."
  • middle of the road
    (человек) избегающий крайностей, умеренный
    Ada's friend is a fashion designer and her ideas are very middle of the road.
  • meet one's match
    повстречать равного себе
    Joe is the best programmer in our company; and he has not met his match yet.
  • make time for (someone or something)
    отвести время для кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Pam tries to make time for on-line studying French.
  • milk of human kindness
    сострадание, доброта, сердечность
    My Grandmother has always been full of the milk of human kindness; everybody likes her.
  • make an impression (on someone)
    произвести впечатление на кого-либо
    The film was very good and it made a great impression on me.
  • money is the root of all evil
    деньги – причина всех бед
    Many people believe that money is the root of all evil, but I am of another opinion.
  • make a pitch (for someone or something)
    способствовать получению, продвижению кого-либо \ чего-либо
    We'd like to make a pitch for some money from the local authorities so that we can build a playground for children.
  • make up for lost time
    наверстать упущенное время
    I wasted a lot of time during the semester, so before the exams I had to work hard to make up for lost time.
  • make a pass at (someone)
    приставать к кому-либо (с ухаживанием)
    Mark made a pass at Della, but she rejected his courtship.
  • money burns a hole in (someone's) pocket
    быстро и неразумно тратить деньги; деньги долго не держатся
    Money usually burns a hole in the girl's pocket; she spends it very quickly.
  • miss out on (something)
    потерять возможность
    If you do too much sport, we will miss out on other joys of life like books and cultural events.
  • money doesn't grow on trees
    не стоит сорить деньгами, деньги на деревьях не растут
    "Money is valuable; you shouldn't waste it. Remember money doesn't grow on trees."
  • make no bones about (something)
    не колебаться или не церемониться
    Mike made no bones about the matter; he despised Captain Blood.
  • make a meal of (something)
    съесть что-либо (как единственное блюдо)
    We were not very hungry, so we made a meal of the meat our mother had fried for us.
  • make it
    удаться, получиться, преуспеть
    "I meant to have visited you, but unfortunately I couldn't make it."
  • more to (something) than meets the eye
    больше, чем кажется на первый взгляд, не так просто
    There is more to the job than meets the eye, and I am not really pleased with it.
  • make the most of (something)
    использовать наилучшим образом
    Gus was allowed to use his uncle's library, and he made the most of that opportunity.
  • monkey around with (someone or something)
    попусту тратить время на кого-либо \ что-либо
    "Why are you monkeying around with your camera? You have a lot of homework to do."
  • make a living
    зарабатывать на жизнь
    Sara doesn't earn enough to make a good living; she can hardly make both ends meet.
  • make a clean sweep of (something)
    полностью избавиться, отделаться от чего-либо
    I want to make a clean sweep of everything I have learnt and start afresh.
  • meet one's Waterloo
    быть разгромленным, потерпеть поражение
    Unfortunately our football team met their Waterloo when they played with the best team in our area.
  • make up for (something)
    возмещать, навёрстывать, компенсировать что-либо
    Jack made up for his lack of talent by meritorious industry.
  • make one's toes curl
    чувствовать себя неловко
    Rick said something unpleasant and it made my toes curl.
  • make it up to (someone)
    делать что-либо, чтобы компенсировать за невыполненную просьбу или возместить долг
    I can't give you a hand now, but I will make it up to you tomorrow.
  • make chin music
    болтать, разговаривать
    When the two old friends met, they spent the whole day making chin music.
  • make out
    справляться с чем-либо, преуспевать
    "I will drop you a line to tell you how I am making out."