Идиомы на букву M

  • make up (something/a story/an excuse)
    сочинять, придумывать, импровизировать
    Mary couldn't afford lessons in conventional dancing, so she made up dances of her own.
  • make out (a report/application)
    составлять (доклад, ходатайство ит.д.)
    I had to make out a report about the leakage of some valuable information.
  • much in evidence
    быть на виду
    Silvia is the sort of woman who likes to be very much in evidence.
  • marvel to behold
    чудо, замечательная вещь
    The exotic flower is a marvel to behold and many people come to look at it.
  • MC
    конферансье, распорядитель (на балу, вечере, свадьбе)
    Steve was the MC for his friend's wedding.
  • my goodness/my God
    Боже мой!
    "My goodness," Gina exclaimed when she saw her son covered with mud from head to foot.
  • milestone in someone's life
    очень важное событие в чьей-либо жизни
    The birth of her baby was a milestone in the young woman's life.
  • MD
    Doctor of Medicine - доктор медицины
    Cronin, the author of "The Citadel", received his MD when she was 25 years old.
  • make up (something/money/time)
    делать что-либо; дополнять то, чего не хватает
    Tim had been ill for three weeks, and naturally he had a lot of homework to make up.
  • MP
    Member of Parliament - член парламента
    Josef Rickson, an MP, was kidnapped yesterday when he was driving to work.
  • mistake (someone) for (someone) else
    ошибочно принять кого-либо за кого-либо
    The man started to talk to me, but then he stopped. Evidently he had mistaken me for somebody else.
  • MSc
    Master of Science - магистр естественных наук
    Tina has been able to find a job easily because she has an MSc in Biology.
  • matter-of-fact manner/way
    простое изложение фактов
    The witness described the accident in a matter-of-fact manner.
  • mark up (something)
    измазать что-либо
    The child was marking up the freshly painted wall.
  • make a night/evening of (doing something)
    весело проводить вечер за чем-либо
    It was very cold outside, so we decided to stay home and make a night of listening to music and dancing.
  • murder on (something)
    губительный, смертельный для чего-либо
    Very cold water is murder on houseplants.
  • measure up to (someone or something)
    подходить (по меркам) кому-либо \ чему-либо
    The new lecturer did not measure up to Professor Young whose lectures were superb.
  • mention (someone or something) in passing
    заметить кого-либо, сказать что-либо мимоходом
    I met up with Della and mentioned her name in passing while I was talking with my friend.
  • misplace one's trust in (someone)
    довериться человеку, не заслуживающему доверия
    Cora misplaced her trust in the wrong man; she soon discovered that he didn't deserve it.
  • more than one can bear/stand/take
    больше того, что можно вынести (о неприятностях, несчастьях)
    Sally had a lot of misfortune in her life; in fact more than she could bear.