Идиомы на букву M

  • much ado about nothing
    много шума из ничего
    There was much ado about nothing over a trifle conflict among the members of the family.
  • mull over (something)
    обдумывать, размышлять
    It took Eva much time to mull over the new job offer.
  • moment of truth
    момент истины
    When you face the reality of some situation, there comes the moment of truth.
  • make (something) right/good
    исправить что-либо, восстановить
    When there is something wrong with the washing machine, my father can make it right in no time.
  • matter of record
    зарегистрированный факт
    It was a matter of record how many unemployed there were in the city.
  • mark my word(s)
    помяните мои слова
    "Mark my words, if you want to be successful, you must work very hard."
  • MIA
    Missing In Action - пропавший без вести
    There are a few hundred MIA soldiers in Afghanistan.
  • man-about-town
    светский человек
    Alec is a man-about-town and a good mixer; he likes to mess around.
  • matter of course
    само собой разумеющееся, в порядке вещей
    They did things as a matter of course and never thought about the consequence.
  • meant to be
    предназначать, быть начертанным судьбой
    It was meant to be that Jim and Mary fell in love at first sight.
  • matter of fact
    реальная действительность
    It is a matter of fact that the old building should be pulled down as soon as possible.
  • my one and only
    мой единственный(ая) (о любимом человеке)
    My one and only will take me out to dinner tonight.
  • mine of information
    неистощимый источник, кладезь информации
    Sam is very knowledgeable; he is a gold mine of information in various fields.
  • more (something) than one can shake a stick at
    огромное количество чего-либо
    The room was verminous; there were more cockroaches than you could shake a stick at.
  • many is the time
    часто, во многих случаях
    Many is the time that Jim waited for Marion to call him, but she never did.
  • make mincemeat/hamburger out of (someone or something)
    избить, уничтожить, "превратить в котлету"
    Jeremy felt as if someone had made mincemeat out of him; his body ached all over.
  • mark up (a price)
    выставить новую, повышенную цену
    The store owners usually mark up prices of their goods at the beginning of each season.
  • muster up the courage
    собраться с духом, набраться храбрости
    I am going to muster up the courage and swim across the English Channel.
  • mark down (a price)
    снизить цену
    Those goods have been marked down from $5 to $4.
  • much sought after
    желаемый, востребованный, имеющий большой спрос
    Pictures of old masters are much sought after by collectors around the world.
  • more than (someone) bargained for
    больше того, на что кто-либо рассчитывал
    I got a lot of information for my research; in fact more than I bargained for.
  • morning after (the night before)
    It was the morning after the night before and Jimmy felt awful; he shouldn't have drunk so much.
  • miscarriage of justice
    ошибка правосудия
    Everybody was sure that the light sentence the burglar received was a miscarriage of justice.
  • mark time (to music)
    двигаться под музыку
    Dave was listening to jazz and marking time to the music.
  • mix-up
    ошибка, неразбериха
    There was a mix-up at the box office, and I was given a ticket for the wrong performance.
  • MP3
    MPEG-1 audio layer 3 - МР3, метод компрессии цифровой звукозаписи
    I often listen to my MP3 player when I drive home from work
  • mend fences with (someone)
    стараться подружиться, установить дружеские отношения
    After some disagreement Peter tried to mend fences with everybody in the group.
  • man-to-man
    честный, откровенный, прямой (разговор)
    Denny had a man-to-man talk with his friend about their common problem.
  • meet one's end/death
    The young girl met his end in an accident while running across the street.
  • mark down (something)
    записать что-либо, отметить
    A traffic policeman marks down the cars that are parked in the wrong place; it's his job.
  • Mecca for (something)
    Мекка, святое место
    The vast forests in Siberia is a Mecca for people who like hunting.
  • moral turpitude
    позорное поведение
    The lawyer was accused of moral turpitude because he had distorted the facts.
  • match for (someone)
    быть под стать кому-либо
    The Russian football team was a match for the French one.
  • mope around
    хандрить, быть в подавленном состоянии
    The day was dull; Linda was forced to stay home and she spent the day moping around the house.
  • make up (something/a story/an excuse)
    сочинять, придумывать, импровизировать
    Mary couldn't afford lessons in conventional dancing, so she made up dances of her own.