Идиомы на букву F
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follow suit
иметь карту такой же масти, поступать также как кто-либо; подражать кому-либо"If Jenny is going home early, I think I'll follow suit."
feet of clay
скрытый недостаток или слабостьPaul Copperfield has feet of clay and may not last very long in his new position of a manager.
fly in the ointment
помеха, "ложка дёгтя в бочке мёда"The problem with the weather was a fly in the ointment during their enjoyable holiday.
firm hand
твёрдая рукаThe governor ruled the province with a firm hand.
forever and a day
бесконечно долго"Why did it take forever and a day to clear the mess in your bedroom?"
fly off the handle
рассердиться, сорваться на крикThe teacher flew off the handle because one of the students was disrupting the class.
fly in the face of (something)
оставить без внимания (кого-либо, что-либо), пренебречьThe customer complained of a poor service, but the manager flew in the face of her complaint.
feel like going (somewhere)
быть не прочь, хотеть пойти куда-либо"Do you feel like going anywhere tonight?"
fall behind
запаздывать, отставатьJosef fell behind with his rent.
fall apart
разваливаться, плохо работать"My car is falling apart; I must have it repaired as soon as possible."
fall through
потерпеть неудачу, провалитьсяThrough no fault of theirs the plan fell through.
four eyes
четырёхглазый (часто так дети называют тех, кто носит очки)My son doesn't like to wear glasses because his classmates call him four eyes.
fall off the wagon
вернуться к прежним привычкам (об алкоголе и наркотиках)Felix stopped taking drugs for a short while and then he fell off the wagon.
feel out of place
чувствовать себя не на местеJeremy didn't know any of the guests and he felt out of place.
face value
кажущаяся ценность; поверхностное суждение"If I were you, I wouldn't trust her; take everything she does at face value."
follow one's heart
следовать велению сердца"You'd better follow your heart and take the career which you are cut out for."
first out of the gate
первым начать что-либо делатьThat project was very important for Bob, and he was first out of the gate to start it.
full of oneself
самодовольный, высокомерныйHe who is full of himself is quite empty.
fight tooth and nail
драться, бороться изо всех силThe boy was fighting tooth and nail to get his toys back from another boy.
fool and his money are soon parted
у дурака деньги долго не держатсяJimmy spends his money unwisely. A fool and his money are soon parted.
fair game
объект нападения, "лёгкая добыча"The company being in a difficult situation was fair game as a takeover target by other companies.
fair and square
открыто, честноThe competition was tough, but their team won the game fair and square.
fall into a trap
попасть в ловушкуPaul fell into a trap of Fanny's charms.
fall for (someone or something)
почувствовать влечение к кому-либо \ чему-либо, влюбитьсяHe is very handsome; women fall for him like a row of ninepins.
for sure
навернякаNow I knew for sure that Anna had let me down.
fiddle while Rome burns
ничего не предпринимать во время катастрофыThe situation in the firm became deplorable, but they seemed to be fiddling while Rome burned.
fall short of (one's expectations)
не оправдать чьих-либо ожиданийThe new novel by Z. has fallen short of my expectations.
fill (something) in
вставить слова в пропускиThe assignment was to fill in the appropriate words in the gaps.
fed up with (someone or something)
надоесть, опротиветь"I am fed up with your laziness and carelessness."
flea in (someone's) ear
резкое замечание, раздражающий ответ, отпорOur boss sent the manager away with a flea in his ear about changing the schedule.
foam at the mouth
быть в бешенстве, "метать громы и молнии"Old Simpson foamed at the mouth when he understood that we had lied to him.
from the old school
(идеи) старой системы образованияEvidently Ms Cruncher was from the old school because she forbade her grandchildren to watch TV.
first of all
прежде всего"First of all I'd like you to tell me a few words about yourself."
feel like a million dollars
прекрасно себя чувствоватьEliza was happy; she felt like a million dollars.
fall down on the job
не справиться с работой"Listen carefully to the instructions lest you should not fall down on the job."