Fish begins to stink at the head
Рыба с головы начинает пахнуть.
Рыба с головы гниет (портится).
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Другие пословицы:
- A bird may be known by its song
- A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out
- Don't sell the bear's skin before you've caught it
- It is a good horse that never stumbles
- Give a fool rope enough, and he will hang himself
- Never offer to teach fish to swim
- By doing nothing we learn to do ill
- As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
- Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other
- A wolf in sheep's clothing
- A word is enough to the wise
- A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool
- A fool at forty is a fool indeed
- A fool always rushes to the fore
- If things were to be done twice all would be wise