Fine feathers make fine birds
Красивые птицы красивы своим оперением.
Одежда красит человека.
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Другие пословицы:
- The camel going to seek horns lost his ears
- An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold
- To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
- Little pigeons can carry great messages
- Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse
- To lock the stable-door after the horse is stolen
- Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail
- Old birds are not caught with chaff
- It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait
- If you agree to carry the calf, they'll make you carry the cow
- A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy
- One beats the bush, and another catches the bird
- Never offer to teach fish to swim
- To cook a hare before catching him
- Honey is not for the ass's mouth