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throw the baby out with the bathwater
отвергнуть всё полностью (включая полезные вещи)There are weaknesses in the program, but if they act too hastily, they may cause the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.
throw the book at (someone)
сурово наказать кого-либоBecause it was the third time Sam Jordan had been caught speeding, the judge threw the book at him.
throw together (people)
оказаться в группе случайных людейA group of strangers was thrown together when the storm trapped them in the mountains.
throw up
тошнить, извергать рвотные массыSusan took the medicine but threw it up a minute later.
throw up one's hands (in defeat)
отказаться от попыток, признать себя побеждённым, махнуть рукой на что-либоI was not sure that I would succeed in my venture, so I threw up my hands.