Идиомы на букву L

  • let sleeping dogs lie
    не нарывайся на неприятности, "не буди лиха пока лихо тихо"
    "Don't ask him about his problems; he might get angry. Better let sleeping dogs lie."
  • let the buyer beware
    пусть покупатель будет осмотрительным
    "You are going to buy a new computer, aren't you? Please remember the motto is 'let the buyer beware'."
  • let the cat out of the bag
    проболтаться, разболтать, выдать секрет
    "I meant to have kept my engagement a secret and not let the cat out of the bag."
  • let the chance slip by
    упустить удобный случай
    They offered Henry a good job and he decided not to let the chance slip by.
  • let the chips fall where they may
    не беспокоиться о последствии своих поступков; "будь, что будет"
    "Don't worry about your relationship with Joe; let the chips fall where they may."
  • let the grass grow under one's feet
    бездельничать, лентяйничать
    Grandpa spends so much time idling that Grandma accuses him of letting the grass grow under his feet.
  • let things slide
    относиться безответственно, относиться к делу "спустя рукава"
    "Look at your apartment! It is in a mess. You have let things slide that's why your apartment is so messy."
  • let up
    ослабевать, успокаиваться, прекращаться
    After a long time the rain let up, but the clouds stayed.
  • let up on (someone or something)
    снять напряжение с кого-либо \ чего-либо, прекратить много работать
    His doctor didn't allow him to work much; he told him to let up on his work schedule.
  • let well enough alone
    оставить всё как было, "от добра добра не ищут"
    "I think you'd better let well enough alone and not look for another job."
  • live and let live
    сам живи и другим не мешай
    I believe that one should live and let live, and I am not in the habit of criticizing other people.