Идиомы на букву G

  • get married
    Margaret and Bill got married in September ten years ago.
  • get mixed up
    запутаться, перепутать
    "I'm sorry I got mixed up with the place of our meeting."
  • get nowhere fast
    не двигаться дальше, не продвигаться
    They were getting nowhere fast in their effort to aquire new machinery for their factory.
  • get off
    отделаться или избежать наказания
    "I am going to punish you and you won't get off this time."
  • get off (someone's) back
    оставить в покое, не беспокоить кого-либо
    "Do me a favor and get off my back!"
  • get off easy
    дёшево отделаться
    "If all you had to do was to pay a two dollar fine, you got off very easy."
  • get off on the wrong foot
    плохо начать (в отношении с кем-либо, относительно чего-либо)
    Peggy got off on the wrong foot with her boss since her first day of work.
  • get off one's butt
    заняться чем-либо, начать работать
    Nora ought to get off her butt and do something useful.
  • get off one's high horse
    перестать важничать
    I wish George would get off his high horse as it is very annoying.
  • get off the ground
    успешно начать, подняться с нуля
    Ashley is not much of a businessman and his printing business never got off the ground.
  • get off the hook
    освободиться от обязательства, "сорваться с крючка"
    Jerry got off the hook and didn't have to pay alimony to his wife.
  • get off to a flying start
    успешно начаться
    Adam's small business got off to a flying start, but then the things went slack.
  • get on (someone's) nerves
    раздражать, действовать (кому-либо) на нервы
    "You are playing very loud music; it is getting on my nerves."
  • get on (someone) to do (something)
    настойчиво просить/ заставлять кого-либо делать что-либо
    "Why not get on the mechanic to fix our car in the shortest possible time?"
  • get on in years
    Ella's parents were getting on in years and she decided to move closer to them.
  • get on one's high horse
    вести себя высокомерно, важничать
    Alice is very bossy; when she gets on her high horse, there is no stopping her.
  • get on one's nerves
    раздражать, действовать на нервы
    "You are playing very loud music; it is getting on my nerves."
  • get on the good side of (someone)
    заслужить чью-либо благосклонность, расположить кого-либо к себе
    George gave Pat gifts and flowers trying to get on the good side of her.
  • get one's act together
    стать более организованным
    I advised my cousin to get her act together and find something to do at last.
  • get one's bearings
    осмотреться, определить своё местоположение
    Let's get our bearings before we go any farther.
  • get one's comeuppance
    понести заслуженное наказание
    Jimmy got his comeuppance for his wrong doings.
  • get one's dander up
    рассердить(ся), разозлить(ся), вывести из себя
    Sam is a very irritable person; one can easily get his dander up.
  • get one's ducks in a row
    привести свои дела в порядок
    I got my ducks in a row before I quit my job.
  • get one's feet wet
    начать делать что-либо впервые
    Mark got his feet wet in the furniture business; he had never done it before.
  • get one's fill of (someone or something)
    получить что-либо сполна, иметь достаточно общения с кем-либо
    I have got my fill of his presence and I don't want to see him again.
  • get one's foot in the door
    проникнуть, устроиться
    Olaf got his foot in the door of the pharmaceutical industry and he hopes to be successful.
  • get one's hands on (someone or something)
    найти кого-либо \ что-либо (с трудом)
    Jimmy was trying hard to get his hands on the documents.
  • get one's head above water
    контролировать ситуацию (часто денежные проблемы)
    Peter decided to get his head above water so that he could control the situation in the firm.
  • get one's just deserts
    получить по заслугам
    The accountant was fired for swindling; I think she got her just deserts.
  • get one's knuckles rapped
    получить порицание, наказание за что-либо
    Steve Parson got his knuckles rapped for having violated the traffic rules.
  • get one's money's worth
    получить (деньги) сполна
    Felix got his money's worth when he sold several pictures of old masters at the auction.
  • get one's nose out of (someone's) business
    не лезть не в своё дело
    I told my brother to get his nose out of my business.
  • get one's nose out of (something)
    не ввязываться во что-либо
    Celia wished her cousin would get her nose out of her private affairs.
  • get one's own way
    добиваться своего; делать, как хочется
    Marion is very persistent; she always gets her own way in everything.
  • get one's rear in gear
    поторопиться; "взять руки в ноги"
    "We might be late for the train so let's get our rear in gear."