Идиомы на букву G

  • get a run for one's money
    получить всё сполна за свои деньги; получить то, что заслуживаешь
    David got a run for his money when he decided to take part in car races.
  • get a slap on the wrist
    понести небольшое наказание
    The principal gave the student a slap on the wrist for having damaged a piece of school furniture.
  • get a toehold (somewhere)
    получить точку опоры, поддержку где-либо
    They have been able to get a toehold in the car market.
  • get a tongue-lashing
    получить (устный) выговор
    The students, who missed a lot of classes, got a tongue-lashing from the Dean.
  • get a whiff of (something)
    узнать о чём-либо, "прознать что-либо"
    "I don't want the media to get a whiff of what's going on here, so be careful."
  • get a wiggle on
    "Children, let's get a wiggle on or we might miss the show at the movie theater!"
  • get a word in
    вставить слово
    No way can I get a word in when my mother-in-law is talking.
  • get a word in edgewise
    встрять в разговор
    My Mom and Dad were talking, and I wanted to get a word in edgewise, but then I changed my mind.
  • get across
    объяснить, заставить понять
    Jimmy tried to get across the importance of using modern equipment.
  • get after (someone) to do (something)
    заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо
    "Why not get after Melony to clear the mess on her desk?"
  • get ahead
    продвинуться, преуспеть
    Collin works day and night at his new project in order to get ahead.
  • get ahead of (oneself)
    поспешно сделать или сказать что-либо
    "Never get ahead of yourself; first think then speak."
  • get ahold of (someone or something)
    связаться с кем-либо, овладеть чем-либо
    Jacob was trying to get ahold of his former boss, but every time he failed.
  • get along
    уйти, отправиться
    As it was getting late, they had to get along.
  • get along in years
    стареть, становиться старше
    His parents were getting along in years and Lester wanted to be near them.
  • get along on (a small amount of something)
    довольствоваться малым
    I wonder how she can get along on such meagre salary.
  • get along on a shoestring
    быть стеснённым в средствах, иметь очень мало денег
    After her husband's death Linda had to get along on a shoestring.
  • get along with someone
    ладить с кем-либо, быть в хороших отношениях
    Pat is not easy to get along with.
  • get an earful
    выслушивать критику, жалобы
    The dean often gets an earful when he asks the students if they have any complaints.
  • get an eyeful (of someone or something)
    увидеть шокирующее или удивительное зрелище
    When I visited my friends in Florida, I got an eyeful of a crocodile lying in the center of their yard.
  • get around
    повсюду ездить, путешествовать
    I like to get around and I have been to many countries in Europe.
  • get around to (something)
    наконец найти время, чтобы сделать что-либо
    I finally got around to getting rid of old newpapers.
  • get at (someone or something)
    напасть на кого-либо/ что-либо
    A pack of wolves got at a sheep.
  • get at (something)
    иметь в виду
    "What were you getting at when you said this?"
  • get away
    спастись, удрать
    The thief managed to get way through the window.
  • get away from it all
    уехать в отпуск, отдохнуть от всего
    I wanted to get away from it all that weekend.
  • get away with (something)
    выйти сухим из воды
    Jenny never arrives at the office in time; I wonder how she manages to get away with it.
  • get away with murder
    избежать сурового наказания
    "You've broken your sister's favorite toy. Don't think you will be able to get away with murder."
  • get back
    вернуться, возвратиться
    Robert has just got back from his long journey to the Far East.
  • get back at (someone)
    Mark has let me down, and I want to get back at him.
  • get back to (someone)
    возвратить(ся), получать обратно, возмещать
    They didn't want their complaints to get back to the boss.
  • get back together
    возобновить отношения после разлада
    Diane hoped that some day Mark and she would get back together.
  • get behind
    I was afraid that I might get behind with my work.
  • get behind (a person or idea)
    поддерживать (человека или идею)
    We decided to get behind Jane to be class president.
  • get better
    (делать что-либо) лучше, делать успехи
    My little daughter is getting better at playing the piano.