Идиомы на тему Food

  • take the cake
    превзойти самого себя (в лучшую или худшую сторону)
    Edna was extremely cordial. Her friendliness took the cake.
  • know which side one's bread is buttered on
    знать свою выгоду
    Elizabeth is a very selfish person; she certainly knows which side her bread is buttered on.
  • as busy as popcorn on a skillet
    очень активный, подвижный
    The little boy was as busy as popcorn on a skillet all day long.
  • couch potato
    кто-либо проводящий всё время на диване и смотрящий телевизор
    Judging from statistics, we might conclude that many people seem to enjoy being couch potatoes.
  • acquire a taste for (something)
    приобрести вкус к чему-либо
    Having visited an art gallery, he acquired a taste for modern art.
  • bring home the bacon
    работать на семью, зарабатывать деньги для семьи
    Sam's wife is always displeased with her husband for not bringing home enough bacon for the family.
  • not one's cup of tea
    что-либо, что (не) нравится
    Washing the dishes is not my cup of tea, so I'd rather my sister did it.
  • wine and dine (someone)
    щедро угощать кого-либо
    When Tom's relatives come on a visit, he has to wine and dine them.
  • egg (someone) on
    подстрекать, подбивать
    It was Samantha who egged him on to write that letter.
  • bread and butter
    средства к существованию
    I am worried about the basic needs of life like food and home, so bread-and-butter issues are very important for me.
  • as sour as vinegar
    угрюмый, неприветливый, (кислый как уксус)
    Mr. Fiber is not at all friendly; he is as sour as vinegar.
  • spill the beans
    выдать секрет
    My friend spilled the beans about my smoking though he had promised not to tell my Mom about it.
  • not for all the tea in China
    на за что (на свете)
    Uriah will not for all the tea in China lend his car to anybody.
  • variety is the spice of life
    разнообразие придаёт остроту жизни
    It is true that variety is the spice of life and people enjoy doing different things in their spare time.
  • have one's finger in too many pies
    иметь долю во многих делах, участвовать во многих мероприятиях
    "You have your finger in too many pies that's why you are not able to do your work well."
  • life is a bowl of cherries
    только хорошее случается в жизни, жизнь хороша
    Life is not a bowl of cherries; good things and bad things go hand in hand.
  • one man's meat is another man's poison
    что полезно одному, то вредно другому
    One man's meat is another man's poison and while my friend doesn't like fish, I love it.
  • compare apples and oranges
    сравнивать несравнимое
    "Don't compare our old house to the new one; it's like comparing apples and oranges."
  • as sweet as honey/sugar
    сладкий как сахар, сладкий как мёд
    Melanie's conversation is as sweet as honey, but I can't very well believe her.
  • stew in one's own juice
    страдать из-за своих проступков
    "You'll be stewing in your own juice if you get into trouble again."
  • eat dirt
    быть в унизительной роли, сносить оскорбления
    The man had to eat dirt because of the errors he made in his job.
  • as thick as pea soup
    очень густой (как гороховый суп)
    The fog that day was as thick as pea soup and it caused my accidents.
  • hard nut to crack
    трудная задача; человек, с которым трудно справиться, "крепкий орешек"
    Felix is a hard nut to crack that's why he hasn't any friends at the University.
  • hot potato
    ситуация, которая может доставить неприятность
    They were sued for damage and if they don't deal with the situation promptly, it may be a hot potato.
  • walk on eggs
    быть очень осторожным
    I must walk on eggs if I want to comply with the requirements of my job.
  • eat one's heart out
    изводить себя, страдать
    Mary has missed the chance of a good job, and now she is eating her heart out.
  • bear fruit
    приносить плоды, иметь результат
    "If you work hard at your English, it will certainly bear fruit sooner or later."
  • good egg
    хороший человек
    Jim is a good egg; he is very thoughtful and obliging.
  • bite the hand that feeds one
    платить чёрной неблагодарностью; кусать руку, которая тебя кормит
    "Remember your father still supports you, so don't bite the hand that feeds you."
  • back to the salt mines
    вернуться к чему-либо с большой неохотой; например к работе, которую не хочется делать
    The work was tedious; they finished their coffee and went back to the salt mines.
  • there is no such thing as a free lunch
    бесплатно ничего не получишь, "бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке"
    I have to work hard to succeed because I know there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  • greatest thing since sliced bread
    самая лучшая, потрясающая (вещь)
    The invention of television is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  • in a nutshell
    "I'd like you to tell me your problem in a nutshell."
  • eat one's cake and have it too
    преследовать две взаимно исключающие цели, пытаться совместить несовместимое
    "If you try to eat your cake and have it too, you will never gain anything in life."
  • have a taste for (something)
    желать \ хотеть чего-либо особенного
    I have always had a taste for good wine.