Идиомы на тему Food
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acquire a taste for (something)
приобрести вкус к чему-либоHaving visited an art gallery, he acquired a taste for modern art.
as busy as popcorn on a skillet
очень активный, подвижныйThe little boy was as busy as popcorn on a skillet all day long.
as cool as a cucumber
хладнокровныйMy friend Eric is as cool as a cucumber; he never gets upset.
as easy as apple pie
очень легко \ лёгкийMy History exam was as easy as apple pie.
as flat as a pancake
очень плоский (как блин)The early people believed that the Earth was as flat as a pancake.
as nutty as a fruitcake
сумасшедший, выживший из умаDora is nutty as a fruitcake; she is irrational and crazy.
as sour as vinegar
угрюмый, неприветливый, (кислый как уксус)Mr. Fiber is not at all friendly; he is as sour as vinegar.
as sweet as honey/sugar
сладкий как сахар, сладкий как мёдMelanie's conversation is as sweet as honey, but I can't very well believe her.
as thick as pea soup
очень густой (как гороховый суп)The fog that day was as thick as pea soup and it caused my accidents.
as warm as toast
очень тёплый и уютныйI have a very cozy bed; it is as warm as toast.
at one sitting
за один присестI expected the sausage to last for two meals, but it was eaten at one sitting.
back to the salt mines
вернуться к чему-либо с большой неохотой; например к работе, которую не хочется делатьThe work was tedious; they finished their coffee and went back to the salt mines.
bad egg
плохой человек, лодырь, бездельникMy cousin Jack is a bad egg, and I don't want to have anything in common with him.
bad/rotten apple
плохой человек (как гнилое яблоко)My neighbor is a bad apple; he was in prison for burglary twice.
bear fruit
приносить плоды, иметь результат"If you work hard at your English, it will certainly bear fruit sooner or later."
best bib and tucker
чья-либо лучшая одеждаTina put on her best bib and tucker for her friend's wedding reception.
big cheese
важный человек, лидерThough my uncle is a big cheese in the company I never ask him for help.
big enchilada
воротила, шишкаThere are many managers in our company, but Bill is the big enchilada in it.
binge and purge
страдать рвотойSue always eats too much, and she often binge and purge her food.
bite off more than one can chew
взяться за непосильное дело, не рассчитать своих сил"I think you bit off more than you could chew by agreeing to make arrangements for a show."
bite the hand that feeds one
платить чёрной неблагодарностью; кусать руку, которая тебя кормит"Remember your father still supports you, so don't bite the hand that feeds you."
bitter pill to swallow
проглотить горькую пилюлю; что-либо неприятное, которое надо пережитьLosing the game was a bitter pill to swallow for the whole team.
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
родиться с серебряной ложкой во рту, родиться в богатой семьеThey say she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but judging by the size of her mouth it must have been a ladle.
Bottoms up!
Пей до дна!"Bottoms up," Mark said and raised his wineglass.
bread and butter
средства к существованиюI am worried about the basic needs of life like food and home, so bread-and-butter issues are very important for me.
bread and water
хлеб и водаThe family was very poor; they had to live on bread and water most of the time.
bring home the bacon
работать на семью, зарабатывать деньги для семьиSam's wife is always displeased with her husband for not bringing home enough bacon for the family.
burn (something) to a crisp
сжечь что-либо до чернотыI burned the toasts to a crisp and had to throw them into the garbage.
butter (someone) up
льстить кому-либо, умасливатьIt's hard to get published if you can't butter up the right people.
carrot and stick
жёсткая политика, "политика кнута и пряника"The idea of a carrot-and-stick approach to the strikers is all wrong.
cheese (someone) off
раздражать кого-либо, сердитьMy brother cheesed me off when he had taken my car without my permission.
cheesed off
(быть) раздражённым, подавленнымGilda was cheesed off because she couldn't afford to go on a sea voyage with us.
chew the fat with (someone)
болтать, чесать языкомThe women sitting on a bench in the park were chewing the fat.
chips and dip
чипсы с соусомI asked my Mom to buy some chips and dip for me.
clear the table
убирать (посуду) со столаAfter dinner Mother cleared the table and I washed up.