Идиомы на букву B
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by any means
любыми средствамиJim decided to win Clare's love by any means.
by chance
случайно"Have you seen Michele by chance? I've been waiting for her since morning."
by check
(расплатиться) чекомMarion paid for her purchases by check.
by fair means or foul
любыми средствами, правдами и неправдамиThey will do everything they can to win, by fair means or foul.
Они сделают все, чтобы выиграть любыми средствами. -
by far
значительно больше, на много большеAlma is by far the prettiest girl among her friends.
by fits and starts
неравномерно, скачками"If you work by fits and starts, your progress in English will be very slow."
by hook or by crook
любым способом, любыми средствамиI believe Ron wants to get these disks by hook or by crook.
by leaps and bounds
стремительно, очень быстро, семимильными шагамиUnder his supervision the business began to develop by leaps and bounds.
by means of
с помощью чего-тоWe were able to translate this text by means of an electronic translator.
by no means
ни в коем случаеBy no means are you allowed to sit up late!
by shank's mare
пешком, "на своих двоих"My car got broken, so I had to come to work by shank's mare.
by the book
по правилам"I prefer to fill in documents by the book, so that nobody can find fault with me."
by the day
подённо, каждый день, с каждым днёмShe got paid by the day.
by the dozen
дюжиной, числом 12Sheila counted the chicks by the dozen.
by the dozens
(покупать) дюжину = 12 штукIn English shops eggs are sold by the dozens.
by the handful
горстямиThere were a lot of wild berries in the forest and we picked them by the handful.
by the hour
почасовая (оплата), ежечасноI parked my car for the evening and had to pay by the hour.
by the month
(платить) по месячно, каждый месяцWe rent an office space and pay by the month.
by the same token
кроме того, к тому же, тем более что"By the same token, I don't feel like going anywhere tonight."
by the seat of one's pants
удачно, без усилий и уменияJane was able to complete the job by the seat of her pants.
by the skin of one's teeth
чудом, едва-едва, еле-елеThe team won the game by the skin of their teeth.
by the sweat of one's brow
работать в поте лицаHeinz succeeded in making enough money to buy a new house by the sweat of his brow.
by the way
между прочим"By the way, are you absolutely sure he is going on a picnic with us?"
by the week
по-недельно, каждую неделюDuring their holidays they rented a boat by the week.
by the year
каждый год, ежегодноThe workers in this firm have to renew their work contract by the year.
by virtue of (something)
благодаря чему-то, в силу чего-то, на основании чего-тоThe working class by virtue of its ability to achieve united action is the only force capable of defeating racism.
by way of (something or somewhere)
проходя/ проезжая мимо, по путиMary took a taxi and they drove to the station by way of the town square.
by way of (something)
через, ради чего-то, с цельюDavid didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings; he said it only by way of joking.
by word of mouth
устно, на словахI don't want to write to them; I'd rather you did it by word of mouth.
Bring Your Own Bottle - каждый приносит свою выпивку (на вечеринку)Before my friend had a dinner party at his house she told everyone that it was BYOB.