Идиомы на букву T
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turn down (something)
убавить что-либо (звук, свет, газ)"That radio is pretty loud. Can't you turn it down a little?"
turn in
ложиться спатьI turned in at ten that night and I thought I would sleep well, being tired; but I didn't.
turn in (someone)
сдать кого-либоSheila turned in the teenagers to the police for drug taking.
turn in (something)
отдать что-либоWhen the football season was over, the players turned in their uniforms.
turn of the century
на рубеже вековCars were odd things to see at the turn of the century.
turn off (someone)
внушать отвращение, неприязньJack has decided not to date Christine anymore - she begins to turn him off.
turn off (something)
выключить (свет), закрыть (кран)My mother wanted me to turn off the water in the bathroom.
turn off (somewhere)
повернуть на другую дорогу, свернутьThe car turned off on Main Street.
turn on (someone)
напуститься на кого-либоJack turned on his brother, who he thought had deceived him.
turn on (something)
включить (свет, радио и т.д.)"It's getting dark, please turn on the light."
turn on a dime
развернуться в очень узком месте (величиной с монету)My new sports car can turn on a dime.
turn on one's heel
круто повернутьсяJonathan turned on his heel and dashed out of the room.
turn one's back on (someone or something)
отказать в помощи кому-либо, отвернуться, покинуть кого-либо в бедеPeter turned his back on his own family when they needed help.
turn one's hand to (something)
взяться за что-либо (отличное оттого, что делали ранее)After Mark finished writing a thriller, he turned his hand to screen plays.
turn one's nose up at (someone or something)
отвергать кого-либо \ что-либоThe young man turned his nose up at the chance to go to an agricultural college.
turn out
оказаться, прийтиThe day turned out to be warm and clear.
turn out (a light)
выключать (свет)Please turn out the light if you I do not need it.
turn out (someone)
выгонять кого-либоHe was my guest and I couldn't possibly turn him out.
turn out (something)
вывернуть что-либоSamantha turned out her handbag looking for her cell phone.
turn out all right/good
закончиться хорошоAt first they thought that their offer would not be accepted but it turned out all right.
turn over
иметь оборот денежных средствThe machine building plant turns over a lot of money each month.
turn over (an engine)
завести моторI think the battery is dead that's why the engine won't turn over.
turn over (something) to (someone)
отдать, передать что-либо кому-либоHillary turned her library books over to the librarian, Mrs. Gorring.
turn over a new leaf
(в корне) измениться, начать всё с началаAfter the divorce Margaret decided to turn over a new leaf and be happy again.
turn over in one's grave
перевернуться в могиле, быть очень сердитымIf your grandfather could see how you're wasting his money, he would turn over in his grave.
turn tail
поспешно уйти или броситься бежатьThe men in front of me turned tail like a dog that had been whistled home, and fled like the wind.
turn the clock back
повернуть вспятьMrs. Brown wishes she could turn the clock back to the days before the children grew up and left home.
turn the heat up on (someone)
усилить нажим на кого-либоThe new manager turned the heat up on the members of the department.
turn the other cheek
подставить другую щёку, быть безответным, не мстительнымI know it was an excellent opportunity for turning the other cheek, but I didn't think of it in time.
turn the tables on (someone)
поменяться ролями с кем-либоMark had to turn the tables on his opponent to save himself.
turn the tide
изменить ход событий, создать переломAt the very moment when Martin was about to abandone the fight, the tide turned.
turn the trick
добиться результатовI hoped that the correct tool would turn the trick to fix the leaking tap.
turn thumbs down (on something)
не одобрить или отклонить что-либоEveryone turned thumbs down on his suggestion to sell the company.
turn thumbs down on (someone or something)
быть против, запрещатьEveryone turned thumbs down on his suggestion.
turn to (someone or something)
обратиться к кому-либо (за помощью, советом), прибегнуть (к помощи чего-либо)The instructor turned to the boys for help.