Идиомы на тему Sports

Настройки списка
  • make it to first base
    сделать успешный первый шаг
    Collin could not make it to first base in his effort to get a new job.
  • out of the running
    не рассматривать (ся)
    His latest book was out of the running for any major awards.
  • team player
    человек, умеющий работать в команде с другими людьми
    Ogden Nash turned out to be a good team player; he works well with all of the other members of the staff.
  • down/out for the count
    Joe seemed to be down for the count because his boss didn't approve of his project.
  • off to a running start
    хорошее, быстрое начало
    These students are off to a running start. They are making good progress in learning English.
  • go to the mat
    заступаться за кого-либо, "стоять горой"
    Our tutor often goes to the mat if there are serious problems in our group.
  • nip and tuck
    плечом к плечу; впритык
    For most of the race the two skaters were running nip and tuck, but the younger skater was the first to cross the finish line.
  • hand the torch/baton to someone
    передать служебные обязанности, наделить полномочиями (досл. передать эстафетную палочку бегуну)
    Ted Lloyd was about to retire and he decided to hand the torch to his son.
  • jockey for position
    не стесняться в средствах для достижения цели
    "I don't think it's the right time to jockey for position when the company is in a hole."
  • miss the cut
    не соответствовать требованиям
    At first this chess player was successful, but soon he missed the cut and could not take part in the next tournament.
  • take the checkered flag
    закончить гонку первым
    The French racer took the checkered flag for the first time and was very proud.
  • up to par
    в нормальном состоянии
    I have a splitting headache and I don't feel up to par.
  • rest on one's oars
    бездействовать, ослабить усилия
    They decided to rest on their oars for a while before starting a new project.
  • in the homestretch
    в стадии завершения
    The project to build a new shopping mall was in the homestretch.
  • sticky wicket
    затруднительный ситуация (досл. липкие воротца в крикете из-за дождя)
    The snow had made a sticky wicket out of the roads and there were a lot of accidents that day.
  • in the bullpen
    находиться в зоне подачи (в бейсболе)
    John Small, the pitcher, was practicing in the bullpen while he was waiting for a chance to enter the game.
  • score points with someone
    завоевать чьё-либо расположение
    Paul Watergate always tries to score points with the brass hats of the company.
  • get two/three strikes against someone
    оказаться в невыгодном положении, быть предупреждённым о промахах
    Felicity often has problems at work; she now has two strikes against her. I am afraid she might be fired if there are any more problems.
  • on side
    (перетянуть) на свою сторону
    They finally got the apartment manager on side in their request not to raise the rent so far.
  • rally around someone or something
    объединиться, чтобы поддержать кого-либо \ что-либо
    The local administration rallied around the residents of the area when they decided to build a new playground.
  • pump iron
    заниматься тяжёлой атлетикой
    Paul has been pumping iron for more than three years now.
  • sport of kings
    скачки (спорт королей)
    Horse racing or the sport of kings is very popular in the U.K.
  • steal a base
    делать что-либо тайком, красться
    Jimmy Carter is one of the best baseball players; he can easily steal a base during the game.
  • on a par with
    равноценный (по важности или качеству)
    Ms. Higgins' latest book was on a par with her previous ones.
  • not in the same league
    (быть) ниже кого-либо (по положению, рангу, званию)
    Olaf was not in the same league as Marshall, who was a skilled boxer.
  • on your marks
    на старт (команда перед началом забега)
    The judge shouted "on your marks, get set, go" and the race began.
  • send someone to the showers
    отстранить кого-либо от игры; убрать с поля или корта
    Our coach sent one of the players to the showers because the man had been injured during the game.
  • two strikes against someone
    две упущенный возможности, так что остаётся только один шанс
    Poor Lorna has two strikes against her when it comes to her love for Frank: first she is too fat and second she is too silly.
  • sporting chance
    достаточно хороший шанс
    I doubt that Glide has a sporting chance of finding a good job.
  • throw/pitch someone a curve
    сбить кого-либо с толку
    John threw me a curve about the hiring of new employees.