Идиомы на тему Sports

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  • move the goalposts
    несправедливо изменить правила или условия (досл. передвинуть планку ворот)
    Sometimes the government officials move the goalposts without any warning, and people's applications are rejected.
  • saved by the bell
    быть вовремя спасённым
    I was saved by the bell and do not have to answer the teacher's questions.
  • level playing field
    иметь равные шансы (на успех)
    I think both teams have a level playing field and they are both very good.
  • make the cut
    соответствовать требованиям, подходить под установленный стандарт
    The young footballer does not make the cut, and he is not supposed to join the team this year.
  • take one's eye off the ball
    отвести глаза от чего-либо, упустить
    The mother took her eye off the ball for only a second, and the child fell into a puddle.
  • whole new ball game
    совершенно новые обстоятельства
    The investigation became a whole new ball game when some new circumstances had arisen.
  • paddle one's own canoe
    полагаться только на себя, действовать самостоятельно
    Let the girl alone and let her paddle her own canoe.
  • throw in the towel/sponge
    прекратить борьбу, сдаться, выбросить белый флаг
    When Martin saw his arguments were not being accepted, he threw in the towel and left.
  • take the wind out of one's sails
    отбить охоту, расстроить чьи-либо планы, "выбить почву из-под ног"
    Ron applied for a job of a computer programmer but was rejected, and it took the wind out of his sails.
  • behind the eight ball
    оказаться в невыгодном положении (досл. чёрный шар под номером 8 в бильярде)
    Benny seemed to be behind the eight ball; he didn't win a scholarship for which he had great hopes.
  • get off to a flying start
    успешно начаться
    Adam's small business got off to a flying start, but then the things went slack.
  • roll with the punches
    приспособиться к трудным обстоятельствам
    Some of the travelers were not able to roll with the punches and had to lay over their trip to the mountains.
  • on the ropes
    (быть) в отчаянном положении, на грани поражения
    Their swimming team was on the ropes, and it seemed impossible for them to win the competition.
  • keep the ball rolling
    поддерживать разговор, продолжать делать что-либо
    "You must write a letter home each week, and be careful to keep the ball rolling, or your parents will get anxious."
  • toe the line
    подчиняться, слушаться
    The new teacher is strict and she will make the students toe the line.
  • meet one's match
    повстречать равного себе
    Joe is the best programmer in our company; and he has not met his match yet.
  • arrow in one's quiver
    чьё-либо преимущество перед другими (досл. ещё одна стрела в колчане)
    Her good knowledge of the computer was another arrow in her quiver, which helped her to get a good job.
  • out of one's league
    неравный кому-либо
    I soon discovered that my new acquaintance was out of my league.
  • jump the gun
    сделать что-либо преждевременно
    Lora jumped the gun and started telling her friends about her forthcoming wedding.
  • come out of left field
    (быть) совершенно неожиданным
    Her decision to immigrate to Canada came out of left field.
  • drop the ball
    сделать ошибку
    Ron had dropped the ball on his decision to leave the company; he was sorry afterwards.
  • ballpark estimate/figure
    приблизительная оценка или цифра
    I'd like to be given a ballpark figure as to how much it would cost to buy a house.
  • beat the gun
    опережать, (досл. делать что-либо перед финальным свистком)
    One of the football players was able to beat the gun and scored a goal.
  • blow the whistle on someone
    донести на кого-либо (досл. судья свистит в свисток, если кто-либо провинится)
    Jack blew the whistle on the criminal activities of Marshall.
  • go to bat for someone
    помочь, поддержать кого-либо
    "I'd like you to go to bat for me during my exams."
  • in the ballpark
    (быть) в сфере деятельности или финансового положения
    Sam decided not to sell his business as the value of it was not in the ballpark as what he had been offered.
  • off base
    неверный, ошибочный, неточный
    The economist was off base with his estimation of the firm's profit.
  • right off the bat
    сразу, немедленно, "с места в карьер"
    As soon as the students came to school, they were told right off the bat that they would take a test that day.
  • touch base with someone
    встретиться с кем-либо и поговорить накоротке
    They were ready to make a decision, but first they decided to touch base with the financial manager.
  • play ball (with someone)
    сотрудничать с кем-либо
    It is often good business to play ball with the government.
  • carry the ball
    быть ответственным
    The Dean made up his mind to let his secretary carry the ball on the time table of the coming exams.
  • kick off
    начинать (досл. вбрасывать мяч и начинать игру)
    They kicked off the election campaign a few months before the elections.
  • play by the rules
    играть по правилам
    One of the managers refused to play by the rules, that's why he was given the sack.
  • be cricket
    честная игра, джентльменское поведение
    The way Ernest Fitzpatrick treated his employees was not cricket.
  • at this stage of the game
    в момент какого-либо события, в разгар чего-либо
    At this stage of the game it is quite impossible to change our plans.