Идиомы на тему Numbers

  • as one
    все как один
    The audience stood up as one and began to applaud the actors.
  • dressed to the nines
    элегантно одетый
    Vivian is always dressed to the nines.
  • one for the road
    (выпить) на посошок
    We stayed in the bar for two hours and had one for the road before leaving it.
  • That makes two of us.
    то же самое справедливо и обо мне
    "I don't want to take part in the track and field event," Lucy said. -"That makes two of us," Cathy replied.
  • one thing leads to another
    одно влечёт за собой другое
    One thing led to another and suddenly we began to quarrel with my brother.
  • take care of number one
    заботиться, думать только о себе любимом
    Sofia is extremely selfish; she only takes care of number one and never thinks about other people.
  • catch forty winks
    немного поспать
    Wanda was very tired after her work in the garden, and she decided to catch forty winks.
  • as busy as a one-armed paperhanger
    очень занятый
    "Don't call on me today. Now I am as busy as a one-armed paperhanger."
  • nine-day's wonder
    кратковременная сенсация, предмет недолгих толков
    The pop singer was a nine day's wonder and it was not surprising that he was soon forgotten.
  • get (someone's) number
    составить мнение о ком-либо, "раскусить человека"
    Santana and Kim got their new roommate's number pretty soon.
  • nine times out of ten
    почти всегда, в девяти случаев из десяти
    Nine times out of ten if you have a car problem, it is not very big and it can easily be fixed.
  • one or two
    небольшое количество, один или два
    "There are only one or two things I can do for you, I am sorry."
  • bat a thousand
    быть очень успешным
    Jeremy has been batting a thousand in his attempts to earn much money.
  • in one fell swoop
    одним разом
    In one fell swoop the Smiths sold their house in Fitchburg and moved to Canada.
  • one by one
    один за другим
    The film being over, the people were leaving the auditorium one by one.
  • one way or another
    так или иначе
    One way or another I am not going to attend the annual conference on Monday.
  • get the third degree
    быть допрошенным с пристрастием
    The student got the third degree after he had missed a lot of classes.
  • have (someone's) number
    знать, иметь чей-либо номер телефона
    "Do you have Mike's number?" - "No, but I'll get it for you."
  • two of a kind
    два одинаковых (человека), "два сапога пара"
    John and Jack are two of a kind and they are always seen together.
  • million and one
    очень много, миллион (дел)
    I had to do a million and one things before my birthday party.
  • forty winks
    короткий сон в дневное время
    If Ron, a truck driver, feels sleepy, he usually stops by the side of the road to catch forty winks.
  • in seventh heaven
    (быть) на седьмом небе (от счастья)
    Sally has been in seventh heaven since Charley proposed marriage to her.
  • one of those days
    несчастливый, неудачный день
    It was one of those days that all my plans were ruined.
  • one for the (record) books
    что-либо необычное или из ряда вон выходящее
    His latest article about the origin of the Universe is one for the books.
  • one and only
    единственный, уникальный
    There was an interview with the one and only inventor of a digital camera.
  • million miles away
    быть рассеянным, мечтательным
    I made an attempt to talk Vivian into joining us, but I saw that she was a million miles away and I gave it up.
  • at one with (someone)
    разделять одни и те же взгляды с кем-либо
    Sam was at one with his wife on everything but money.
  • once in a while
    иногда, время от времени
    I go to visit my Aunt Theresa once in a while.
  • one-night stand
    одноразовое представление
    The amateur drama theater gave a one-night stand last week.
  • one good turn deserves another
    долг платежом красен
    I was happy to help Dana with an essay after she had helped me with my English homework. One good turn deserves another, you know.
  • one that got away
    упущенная возможность, не пойманная рыба
    John said that he had caught a lot of fish, but the biggest one was the one that got away.
  • at first
    вначале, с начала
    At first Ron wanted to go on a river trip with us, but then he changed his mind.
  • know a trick or two
    знать пару хитростей
    Gina knows a trick or two about how to handle her husband when he is angry or upset.
  • one's lucky number comes up
    кому-либо выпадает счастье, удача
    At last Felicity's lucky number came up; she was able to find a well-paid job.
  • not one iota
    ни капли
    It was absolutely evident that there was not one iota of truth in what the offender was saying.