Идиомы на тему Numbers

  • one's days are numbered
    чьи-либо дни сочтены
    I think Steve's days at work are numbered; he had been very rude to the customers and they complained.
  • one in a hundred
    один \ одна из сотни
    About one in a hundred of the toys produced in China are dangerous for children's health.
  • lesser of two evils
    меньшее из двух зол
    "I don't want to go shopping; I'd rather stay at home. I would prefer to choose the lesser of the two evils."
  • one after another
    один за другим
    I understood the meaning of the proverb 'it never rains but it pours' when misfortunes began to come one after another.
  • one and all
    все, все вместе
    The members of the council one and all were devoted to the public good.
  • one of these days
    на днях, скоро, когда-нибудь (в будущем)
    One of these days I am going to become rich.
  • one's number is up
    с кем-либо произойдёт что-то плохое
    I am afraid that my number is up, and I will soon lose my job.
  • one of the boys
    принятый в компанию, признанный как член группы
    Paul is an accepted member of a Green Peace group; he is one of the boys.
  • thousand and one
    очень много, тысяча и один
    The pupil did a thousand and one sums in order to be ready for a Math test.
  • number one
    собственная персона, собственное "я"
    "I am speaking about myself; after all number one is what I know most about."
  • one in a thousand
    один из тысячи
    My chance of entering the Harvard is one in a thousand.
  • do (someone) one better
    делать лучше, чем кто-либо, превосходить кого-либо
    At the exam Marion did Emily one better and got better scores than her friend.
  • by the dozen
    дюжиной, числом 12
    Sheila counted the chicks by the dozen.
  • two bricks shy of a load
    не умный, тупой, "винтиков не хватает"
    Martin is two bricks shy of a load and he is hard to deal with.
  • think twice (before doing something)
    хорошенько подумать о чём-либо
    My teacher advised me to think twice about my future before deciding to quit school.
  • one jump/step ahead of (someone or something)
    (быть) на один шаг впереди кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Jack was one jump ahead of the other students in his Math class.
  • one of those things
    что-либо неудачное, то с чем приходится мириться
    I lost my job; it is one of those things that nothing can be done about.
  • one to a customer
    в одни руки (только один товар каждому покупателю)
    The sports store had a limit of one to a customer of the fishing tackles that were on sale.
  • one and the same
    тот же самый \ одно и тоже
    It is one and the same book which I saw in the book store.
  • one's opposite number
    такой же занимаемый пост, но в другой организации
    My boss spoke with his opposite number in another computer company, but they could not come to any agreement.
  • not give two hoots about (someone or something)
    совершенно не интересоваться кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Right now the public does not give two hoots about Kirby's disappearance.
  • eleventh-hour decision
    решение, принятое в последний момент
    Eventually Miranda made an eleventh-hour decision to accept their proposal.
  • tell (someone) a thing or two (about something)
    сказать кому-либо кое-что (неприятное), ругать кого-либо
    My cousin took my laptop without my permission, and I am going to tell her a thing or two.
  • deep-six (someone or something)
    выбросить что-либо, избавиться от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    I am going to deep-six all my exercise books at the end of the school year.
  • cut both/two ways
    поддерживать обе стороны в споре, "и нашим, и вашим"
    I don't think much of your argument as it cuts both ways.
  • three sheets to the wind
    быть очень пьяным, нетвёрдо держаться на ногах
    I saw my neighbor walking down the street last night; he seemed to have three sheets to the wind.
  • go fifty-fifty (on something)
    делить что-либо поровну
    My friend and I decided to go fifty-fifty on a new computer.
  • stitch in time saves nine
    то, что делается во время, экономит много труда впоследствии
    "I think you should have the roof in your house fixed before it becomes worse. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine."
  • by the dozens
    (покупать) дюжину = 12 штук
    In English shops eggs are sold by the dozens.
  • nine-to-five attitude
    делать что-либо по минимуму, не делать ничего лишнего
    My boss said he didn't like my nine-to-five attitude towards my work, and he asked me to be more active and creative.
  • no two ways about (something)
    об этом не может быть двух мнений
    "There are no two ways about it; you are to consult a doctor and do it immediately."
  • I/you/he for one
    что касается меня (тебя, его), я (ты, он) например
    A lot of people do not like certain foods. I for one never eat fish.
  • lesser of the two
    меньшее из двух
    I can pay either $80 or $100 for a bike; I think I'd rather pay the lesser of the two."
  • divide (something) fifty-fifty
    разделить что-либо пополам
    Nancy bought a nice cake and divided it fifty-fifty between the two of us.
  • on all fours
    на четвереньках
    Sam was down on all fours as he was looking for his slippers.