Идиомы на букву K
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know one's way around/about
знать толк в чём-либо; понимать, что к чему"Believe me, George knows his way around."
knock down the price of (something)
снизить цену на что-либоSteve bargained hard and was able to knock down the price of the computer.
Katie, bar the door
заприте дверь (будьте готовы к неприятностям)A few holigans are ready to break into the bar and start a fight. "Katie, bar the door."
knock (someone's) block off
дать кому-либо по башкеGordon became furious and threatened to knock my block off.
know one's place
знать своё место"Why do you always interfere? You should know your place."
know (something) only too well
знать что-либо слишком хорошоAlan knew only too well what would happen if he failed his English exam.
knock (someone) off
убить кого-либоSeveral people were knocked off in the bank robbery last week.
keep after/at (someone)
постоянно напоминать кому-либо"Why should I always keep after you not to leave your room in a mess?"
keep a tight/close rein on (someone or something)
держать кого-либо \ что-либо в полном подчинении, под жёстким контролемMy boss keeps a tight rein on what is going on in the office.
know where (someone) stands on (something)
знать, что кто-либо думает и чувствует по поводу чего-либоI don't think anybody knows where the Dean stands on the issue of the new curriculum.
знания и навыкиShe is a skilled teacher and has a lot of know-how about how to explain new material to her students.
knock (something) off
сделать наспех, "состряпать"He knocked off a leading article in half an hour.
knit one's brow
нахмуритьсяThe father knit his brow and looked sternly at his son.
knock (someone or something) out
нокаутировать кого-либо; сделать что-либо не пригодным для дальнейшего использованияThe storm on the sea was so strong that it knocked a few boats out.
knock-down-drag-out fight
отчаянная драка или спорTheir knock-down-drag-out fight lasted for half an hour.
knock (someone) down (to size)
делать кого-либо более скромным, смереннымI don't know what helped to knock Steve down to size, but I must say he is more humble now.
keep (someone or something) still/quiet
заставить кого-либо \ что-либо вести себя спокойно, без шумаJenny is very naughty; and I always have a hard time keeping her still.
knock about
путешествовать, бродить, где захочется; рыскать по светуHis plan was to go to India and knock about for a couple of months.
know (someone or something) like a book/like an open book
знать кого-либо \ что-либо очень хорошоMy mother knows me like an open book.
know (something) from memory
знать на памятьMy Granny knows my telephone number from memory.
kiss of death
действие, поступок способный положить конец отношениямIt was the kiss of death when Linda learned that her husband had an affair. She filed for a divorce.
kick out (someone)
выгнать кого-либо"If you misbehave and disrupt the class, you may be kicked out of school."
kiss (something) good-bye
потерять, простится с чем-либо"Where is my umbrella? - You can kiss it good-bye. I lost it."
know when one is not wanted
чувствовать, что чьё-либо присутствие не желательноJerry knows when he is not wanted, so he has decided not to go on a picnic with them.
keyed up
взвинчиный, взволнованный, нервныйSam was so keyed up over the prospect of his long trip that he didn't sleep a wink that night.
kill off (something)
уничтожить, убитьSome people say that frost kills off all the germs, but I am not sure.
knock the props out from under (someone)
разрушить доверие к кому-либо; выбить почву из-под ног"You knock the props out from under me when you criticize my work."
kick in (some money or something)
внести пожертвование (деньги или что-либо ещё)Everybody was ready to kick in and collect some clothes for needy children.
knock (someone) around
дурно обращаться с кем-либо"You have been knocking me around long enough. I want to put an end to it."
kid's stuff
очень лёгкое задание, "плёвое дело""I'll repair your watch in no time; it's kid's stuff."
сногшибательная женщинаWella thought that she was a knockout, but Tim didn't share her optimistic opinion.
knuckle under
уступить, подчинитьсяSabina had promised to herself never to knuckle under to her husband's family.
Knockout - нокаутJeremy is a very good boxer and he won the match in the second round by a KO.
kill the goose that layed/lays the golden egg
причинять вред самому себе; убить курицу, несущую золотые яйца"Why have you quarreled with Wendy? Do you know that you have killed the goose that lays the golden egg?"
kit and caboodle
всё вместе, всё целикомRon brought the whole kit and caboodle of his skiing tackle when he went skiing.