Идиомы на букву K

Настройки списка
  • keep books
    вести учёт
    Marion's job is to keep books for a traveling agency in New-York.
  • keep a stiff upper lip
    не терять мужества, не падать духом, не вешать носа, держаться молодцом
    "I want you to keep a stiff upper lip whatever happens."
  • kangaroo court
    неправедный суд, незаконное разбирательство
    "I refuse to be convicted by a kangaroo court!"
  • keep an eye on (someone or something)
    присматривать за кем-либо \ чем-либо
    "The puppy is very naughty. Please keep an eye on it."
  • keep (something) under one's hat
    держать что-либо в секрете, не распространяться, помалкивать
    Liz is very secretive; she won't tell me what her plans for the future are. She prefers to keep them under her hat.
  • keep one's eye on the ball
    быть внимательным, не упускать из виду основной цели
    "I wish you could keep your eye on the ball or you will never make any progress with your Italian."
  • kick the bucket
    умереть, "сыграть в ящик"
    Alan hoped he would kick the bucket before he is as old as his Grandfather.
  • keep up with the Joneses
    пытаться быть наровне с другими
    Leo didn't bother about keeping up with the Joneses.
  • keep one's shirt on
    сохранять спокойствие, не нервничать, не горячиться
    During the meeting everybody was agitated; Nick was the only one who was able to keep his shirt on.
  • know which side one's bread is buttered on
    знать свою выгоду
    Elizabeth is a very selfish person; she certainly knows which side her bread is buttered on.
  • keep an open mind about (something)
    быть гибким, уметь прислушиваться к мнению других
    Garry is not flexible; he is not able to keep an open mind about anything.
  • keep the wolf from the door
    едва сводить концы с концами, жить очень скромно
    Her salary was so small that she could hardly keep the wolf from the door.
  • keep one's head
    сохранять спокойствие, присутствие духа, владеть собой, "не терять головы"
    Jordan is as cool as a cucumber; he always keeps his head in emergences.
  • keep on one's toes
    быть бдительным, внимательным
    Mark tried to keep on his toes during a grammar test.
  • know one's own mind
    быть уверенным в себе; знать, что делать
    "Don't tell me what to do; I know my own mind."
  • kill two birds with one stone
    убить двух зайцев", выполнить два действия сразу
    He decided to kill two birds with one stone by purchasing a computer and having it serviced.
  • kick up one's heels
    веселиться, резвиться
    They kicked up their heels at Bob's birthday party last week.
  • keep one's finger's crossed
    желать удачи, скрестить пальцы на удачу
    I wanted my friend to keep his fingers crossed while I was at a job interview.
  • keep one's ear to the ground
    держать ухо востро"
    I have been keeping my ear to the ground since I heard the rumors that the President of the company is going to retire.
  • keep (someone) posted
    держать кого-либо в курсе, осведомлять
    "I want you to keep me posted about the development of the events."
  • keep one's head above water
    бороться за существование, с трудом сводить концы с концами
    I am not rich. I am not even wealthy. In fact I can hardly keep my head above water.
  • keep a cool head
    сохранять спокойствие в трудной ситуации
    "I know the situation is difficult and stressful, but I want you to keep a cool head."
  • keep one's nose clean
    не нарываться на неприятности
    Jacob was never able to keep his nose clean, and eventually he got into trouble.
  • keep one's hand in (something)
    продолжать заниматься чем-либо, сохранять контроль над чем-либо
    Jeremy wanted to keep his hand in so that he could have the feel of the market.
  • keep one's wits about one
    не терять головы, сохранять самообладание
    Throughout the dispute Conrad was like a cold spectator who could keep his wits about him.
  • keep one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    I am going to keep my nose to the grindstone so that I can save enough money to go on a holiday to Italy.
  • keep a straight face
    сохранять невозмутимое выражение лица; стараться не засмеяться
    It is difficult to keep a straight face when you see something funny.
  • keep one's chin up
    не унывать, "не вешать носа"
    Sam put his finger under Jen's chin and looked into her eyes. "Keep your chin up, Jennie," he said.
  • keep (someone) from (doing something)
    препятствовать, мешать кому-либо делать что-либо
    Very often television keeps children from doing their homework.
  • keep house
    вести домашнее хозяйство
    "What is the name of the woman who keeps house for Mr. Johnson?"
  • keep on (doing something)
    продолжать делать что-либо
    The teacher tells the pupils to be more attentive, but they keep on making the same mistakes again and again.
  • keep (someone) in line
    заставить кого-либо вести себя как следует
    It was difficult for the young teacher to keep her students in line.
  • keep an eye out for (someone or something)
    следить за появлением кого-либо \ чего-либо
    John kept an eye out for the arrival of his train.
  • keep one's head down
    стараться быть незаметным
    He was ashamed of what he had done, so he kept his head down, trying to remain unnoticed.
  • keep one's own counsel
    скрывать что-либо, держать в секрете, "держать язык за зубами"
    I know that Dora has some problems at work, but she prefers to keep her own counsel and never tells anyone about them.