Идиомы на букву K

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  • Knock it off!
    "Please knock it off! Leave that knife alone or you may cut your finger."
  • keep harping on (something)
    надоедливо толковать, твердить одно и то же
    My boss keeps harping on the fact that I am too slow in my job.
  • keep up an act
    устраивать спектакль, претворяться
    "Don't try to keep up an act; I know what you are capable of."
  • keep track of (someone or something)
    следить за кем-либо, вести запись чего-либо
    I kept track of the events which happened that week before my departure.
  • keep pace (with someone or something)
    идти в ногу с кем-либо \ чем-либо, идти наравне, не отставать
    Helen had been ill for a long time, and it was difficult for her to keep pace with the other students.
  • know a trick or two
    знать пару хитростей
    Gina knows a trick or two about how to handle her husband when he is angry or upset.
  • know the score
    знать факты, иметь информацию
    I don't really know the score about how my father's company functions.
  • keep down (something)
    уменьшать, ограничивать
    "I want you to keep down all expences until we are out of debt."
  • knock some heads together
    ругать, распекать
    The manager decided that he would have to knock some heads together if he wanted to get the work done properly.
  • keep one's opinions to oneself
    держать своё мнение при себе
    "No one is interested in what you want to say, so please try and keep your opinions to yourself."
  • know what's what
    знать что к чему, быть осведомлённым
    I am sure Jim knows what's what about a lot of things.
  • knock on wood
    постучать по дереву (чтобы повезло)
    I hope to be able to find a well-paid job. - Knock on wood!
  • keep tabs on (someone or something)
    проверять, следить, наблюдать за кем-либо \ чем-либо
    The head of the department has been keeping tabs on the production of chocolate bars.
  • keep the home fires burning
    находиться в доме, вести хозяйство
    That day Utah stayed at home to keep the home fires burning.
  • kiss and tell
    участвовать в чём-либо личном, а затем рассказать всем об этом
    Sally is the kind of person who will kiss and tell. Nobody trusts her.
  • keep one's distance from (someone or something)
    держаться в стороне, подальше от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Celia is very reticent, and I often see her keeping her distance from the other children.
  • know (something) by heart
    знать что-либо наизусть
    Jane has a very good memory and she knows many poems by heart.
  • know a thing or two (about someone or something)
    быть опытным человеком; понимать, что к чему
    Jack has been working as a mechanic for years, and he knows a thing or two about cars.
  • keep off (something)
    держаться в отдалении от чего-либо
    I made up my mind to keep off the stadium not to tempt providence.
  • keen on (someone or something)
    увлечённый, полный энтузиазма
    My cousin is keen on playing tennis and she is quite good at it.
  • knuckle down (to something)
    решительно приняться за дело, приступить
    "It's high time you started work: knuckle down!"
  • kick around
    плохо, грубо обращаться
    Ron's stepfather treats his stepson very badly; he is always kicking him around.
  • keep company (with someone)
    проводить время с кем-либо
    Ms Smith hardly ever saw anything of her son since he had started keeping company with Sarah.
  • know (someone or something) like the back/palm of one's hand
    знать кого-либо \ что-либо как свои пять пальцев
    Sheila knew the material for the test like the palm of her hand.
  • keep a close watch over (someone or something)
    следить за кем-либо \ чем-либо, оберегать
    Mother told me to keep a close watch over the stew as it was cooking.
  • kickback
    незаконно выплаченные деньги, взятка
    The company had to give Deputy Mayor a kickback in order to win the market.
  • kiss and make up
    "I want to apologize. Let's kiss and make up. Shall we?"
  • kick back
    расслабляться, отдыхать
    Paul was going to kick back, but his mother told him to clear the mess in his room.
  • know all the tricks of the trade
    знать все хитрости своей профессии
    Sue Craffton knew all the tricks of the trade and was a very good nurse.
  • kick up a fuss/storm
    поднимать шум, скандал (часто из-за пустяков)
    "Please, don't kick up a storm because I've lost your disk. I'll reimburse you."
  • keel over
    упасть и потерять сознание
    Two kids were playing on the roof and one of them keeled over.
  • knock (someone) dead
    произвести сногшибательное впечатление
    "This man had eyes only for me. I sure knocked him dead," said Mandy.
  • kith and kin
    знакомые и родственники, родня
    When my Granddad died, all of our kith and kin attended the funeral.
  • know which is which
    суметь различить, отличить одно от другого
    Mark's house and Peter's house are so alike that I am often confused and don't know which is which.
  • knock off work
    закончить (дневную) работу
    They decided to knock off work early so that they could go to a baseball game.