Идиомы на букву G

  • give (someone) the once-over
    охватить взглядом, быстро осмотреть
    We gave them the once-over but we didn't like what we saw.
  • give (someone) the red-carpet treatment
    оказать почётный приём
    The US President was given the red-carpet treatment during his visit to France.
  • give (someone) the runaround
    увиливать от ответа, дать уклончивый ответ
    The bank manager gave me the runaround when I came to get a loan.
  • give (someone) the shirt off one's back
    быть очень щедрым, быть готовым отдать последнее
    Mr. Hobson seemed to be very generous ready to give you the shirt off his back.
  • give (someone) the slip
    удрать от кого-либо, улизнуть
    "Don't try to give me the slip or you'll get it hot!"
  • give (someone) the third degree
    допросить кого-либо с пристрастием
    The detective gave the suspect the third degree.
  • give (someone) their due
    похвалить кого-либо, выразить признательность
    Solomon and Dora are good parents; you have to give them their due.
  • give (someone) their freedom
    выпустить на свободу
    The judge decided to give the young man his freedom because of his good behavior in prison.
  • give (someone) what's coming to him or her
    воздать кому-либо по заслугам (часто с отрицательным значением)
    They gave the shoplifter what was coming to him; he was taken to court and sent to jail.
  • give (something) a shot
    попытаться делать что-либо, начать что-либо
    I am going to give tennis a shot.
  • give (something) a whirl
    пробовать делать что-либо
    Sue made up her mind to give dancing a whirl so she joined a folk dance club.
  • give (something) one's best shot
    очень постараться сделать что-либо
    I don't have much experience teaching English, but I like doing it and will give it my best shot.
  • give a little
    пойти на компромисс во время переговоров
    If you want to complete the negotiations, you should give a little otherwise you may fall through.
  • give a wide birth to (someone or something)
    сторониться \ избегать кого-либо\ чего-либо
    Frankly I prefer to give a wide birth to ill-mannered people.
  • give away (a secret)
    выдать (секрет)
    "Don't worry; I am not going to give away your intentions."
  • give away (something)
    отдать что-либо
    Della has grown up and she wants to give away her dolls to small girls in the orphanage.
  • give birth
    My brother's wife gave birth to twin boys.
  • give chase
    гнаться, бежать
    Yesterday a pickpocket stole my purse and I gave chase to the man.
  • give credence to (someone or something)
    поверить кому-либо\ чему-либо
    They didn't want to give credence to the man's statement so they ignored it.
  • give credit where credit is due
    воздать должное, поблагодарить, выразить признание
    I wanted to give credit where credit is due and thanked the lifeguard who had saved me from drowning.
  • give free rein to (someone or something)
    предоставить кому-либо\ чему-либо свободу действий
    The housekeeper was given free rein to do what she thought neccessary.
  • give ground
    уступать, отступать, сдавать свои позиции
    We must learn to give ground in order to gain further ground later.
  • give in to (someone)
    уступать, сдаваться, прекращать спор
    He gave in to the wish of the majority.
  • give it to (someone)
    наказать или наругать кого-либо
    The nanny really gave it to the six-year-old boy because he had deliberately spilt soup all over the table.
  • give it to (someone) straight
    сказать это кому-либо прямо в лицо
    Gina was no longer happy with her husband and she decided to give it to him straight.
  • Give me five!
    Поздравь меня!" (эти слова обычно сопровождаются ударом ладони о чью-либо ладонь)
    "Give me five!" Allan said when he won in his first baseball game.
  • give notice
    подать заявление об уходе или прекращении договора
    Cora Trenton didn't like her job of a secretary, so she gave notice.
  • give off (something)
    испускать (запах), выделять пары
    Burning rubber gives off a nasty smell.
  • give one's eye teeth (to do something)
    очень хотеть сделать что-либо, готов всё отдать
    George would give his eye teeth to move to Chicago.
  • give one's right arm
    отдать что-либо очень ценное; "отдать голову на отсечение"
    He would give his right arm to be able to see Clarissa again.
  • give one's right arm (for someone or something)
    отдать что-либо ценное за кого-либо \ что-либо
    Sam would give his right arm for the opportunity to see Fanny again.
  • give oneself away
    выдать себя, обнаружить свою вину
    Stella had to admit that she had let them down, yet she didn't want to give herself away.
  • give oneself up
    сдаться, перестать сопротивляться
    When they saw that they were surrounded by the enemy soldiers, they gave themselves up.
  • give oneself up to (something)
    отдаваться, предаваться чему-либо
    Jim was giving himself up to his task with complete earnestness.
  • give or take
    примерно, плюс - минус
    John weighs about half a ton give or take a few kilos.