Идиомы на букву E

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  • ear to the ground
    пристальное внимание к тому, что происходит
    Mrs. Spencer had an ear to the ground and knew everything that was going on in her son's family.
  • enough to go around
    достаточно чего-либо для всех
    I was afraid there wouldn't be enough beer to go round so I decided to buy some more.
  • ECG
    Electrocardiogram - электрокардиограмма (ЭКГ)
    The doctor advised me to take an ECG test as soon as possible.
  • eating someone
    беспокоить, волновать кого-либо
    I saw that something was eating my friend and I asked her what it was.
  • ESL
    English as a Second Language - английский как иностранный (как второй язык)
    ESL is taught almost in every country of the world because English is rightly considered to be an international language.
  • earful
    нагоняй, выговор
    The boss gave one of his employees earful when the latter came to work late.
  • ER
    Emergency Room - реанимация
    ER is the place in a hospital where doctors deal with emergency cases.
  • eke out (a living)
    кое-как сводить концы с концами, с трудом зарабатывать себе на жизнь
    Linda Brown has no college education so she has to eke out a living as a cleaning woman.
  • ease off/up on (someone or something)
    уменьшать напряжение, ослаблять
    Despite his physical condition Jim Croft absolutely refused to ease up on working.
  • everything one can lay/get his or her hands on
    всё, что можно найти; всё, что попало под руку
    They used everything they could lay their hands on to build a small shed in the back yard.
  • even so
    всё-таки, всё равно, тем не менее
    As a rule Marion gets up early even so she is often late for work.
  • examination for discovery
    предварительное разбирательство, при котором обе стороны могут ознакомиться со свидетельскими показаниями до суда
    Adam had to spend a long time in an examination for discovery session concerning his case.
  • elbow (someone) out of (somewhere)
    вытолкать, оттолкнуть
    The young man was evidently in a hurry; he elbowed people out of his way.
  • expert witness
    свидетельство эксперта или специалиста
    The expert witness was called to discuss the blood spots on the accused man's clothes.
  • equal to (something)
    быть способным справиться с чем-либо, подходить для чего-либо
    I don't think Nelly is equal to the task of teaching small children.
  • everything humanly possible
    всё, что в человеческих силах
    Ann decided to do everything humanly possible to save her son from prison.
  • escape (someone's) notice
    ускользать от внимания
    Helen was more than absent-minded today, and it didn't escape my notice.
  • ESP
    Extrasensory Perception - экстрасенсорное восприятие
    We read a story of a ten-year-old girl who had the ability of ESP.
  • exception that proves the rule
    исключение подтверждает правило
    A salesperson should be easy-going. Steve is reserved; he is the exception that proves the rule.
  • eyes in the back of one's head
    способность видеть, что происходит вокруг; быть в курсе всех дел
    Jessica had eyes in the back of her head, and she always knew what was happening around her.
  • extenuating circumstances
    обстоятельства, смягчающие вину
    Because of extenuating circumstances, Robert Simpson didn't go to jail for kidnapping.
  • explain (oneself)
    объясняться, оправдываться
    The director of the museum was made to explain herself after the theft of a valuable collection had been discovered.
  • edge (someone) out
    вытеснить, оттеснить кого-либо и получить работу
    Pat easily edged out the other applicants and got the job of a company secretary.
  • end in itself
    цель сама по себе
    For Bob painting is an end in itself, and he never shows his pictures to anybody.
  • ETA
    Estimated Time of Arrival - расчётное время прибытия
    Though the ETA was six p.m. we didn't arrive as expected because our flight was delayed.
  • extend one's sympathy to (someone)
    выразить сочувствие, кому-либо
    I came to Tim to extend my sympathy to him because of his mother's serious illness.
  • explain (something) away
    отделываться объяснением
    The cashier tried to explain away the trouble with the cash in the shop.
  • end of one's rope
    не доставать способности, не хватать воображения
    I am at the end of my rope every time I come across some difficulty I can't cope with.
  • extend credit to (someone)
    предоставить кредит
    I asked for a loan from my bank and they extended credit to me.
  • express (one's) anger
    дать волю гневу
    John is very quick-tempered and he expresses his anger in a most unpleasant way.
  • excuse (someone)
    извинить, простить кого-либо
    Con let me down; I am not going to excuse him for his behavior.