Идиомы на букву E
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eagle eye
пристально следящий взгляд, зоркий глаз (как у орла)Alan kept an eagle eye upon all Carry's activities.
evil eye
недобрый глаз, способный причинить вредZahra is believed to have an evil eye, and people try to avoid her.
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
око за око, зуб за зубNever call for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when somebody hurts you; it won't make your pain less.
eye of the storm
в центре внимания (окружающих); в центре событийIf something goes wrong, Bert is going to be in the eye of the storm.
лицом к лицуThey were jammed in the crowd and had to stand eyeball-to-eyeball.
eyes pop out
очень удивиться, "глаза вылезли из орбит"Kelly's eyes popped out when she heard Jeremy's name mentioned in a TV news program.