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Davy Jone's locker
могила на дне моря (Davy Jone – злой дух моря)This ship is going to be lost at sea; it will go to Davy Jone's locker.
doubting Thomas
человек, который во всём сомневается, "Фома неверующий"Fred is a doubting Thomas; he always needs a strong proof to believe something.
decked out in (something)
быть нарядно одетымAt the award ceremony all the women were decked out in beautiful dresses.
deep-six (someone or something)
выбросить что-либо, избавиться от кого-либо \ чего-либоI am going to deep-six all my exercise books at the end of the school year.
die in one's boots
умереть на своём посту, умереть сражаясьThe soldiers of the Second World War died in their boots fighting the enemy.
date back to (a previous time)
восходить относиться (к какому-либо времени)The document dated back to the fifties of the eighteenth century.
decide in favor of (someone)
решить в пользу кого-либо, признать кого-либо невиновнымThe jury needed little time to decide in favor of the prisoner, a young man named Leonard Vole who was charged with the murder of a wealthy elderly lady.
drop the subject
прекратить разговор на какую-либо темуI saw Steve didn't like my questions about his new job, so I dropped the subject.
double check (something)
перепроверить что-либоThe boss wanted me to double check the price of the new product before it is put on the market.
ничего не значащая, пустая болтовняMacklin gave me much double-talk, but I didn't understand what he was driving at.
dash off (something)
быстро набросатьI must dash off a few letters before I go out.
down on (someone)
сердиться на кого-либоMy teacher was down on me because I had missed a lot of classes.
defeat a motion
отклонить предложение (на собрании)The chairman defeated the motion to postpone the conference till next week.
невыразительное лицо (лицо как маска)My mother always has a deadpan expression when she scolds me.
dwell on (something)
подробно останавливаться на чём-либо, вдаваться в подробностиThe teacher wanted me to dwell on the political situation in Italy before the Second World War.
do the trick
достичь цели, добиться своегоThey installed some new equipment, hoping that it would do the trick and solve their problem.
divide (something) fifty-fifty
разделить что-либо пополамNancy bought a nice cake and divided it fifty-fifty between the two of us.
dine out
обедать в ресторанеI didn't cook dinner because we are dining out tonight.
die off
умирать один за другим, отмиратьThe roses in our garden began to die off.
do wonders
творить чудесаSandra began taking this medicine for her heart ailment and it did wonders.
die out
вымиратьNobody knows for sure why dinosaurs died out.
double up
жить вдвоём в одной комнатеWilma had to double up in the dorm though she'd rather not to share the room with anybody.
days running
несколько дней подрядThe circus came to the town and they gave performances for ten days running.
drop/dump (something) in (someone's) lap
навязать что-либо кому-либоI didn't expect my boss to dump so much work in my lap that day.
down to the last detail
до малейшей деталиJim wrote down his business plan, describing everything in it, right down to the last detail.
die laughing
громко и весело смеятьсяThe film was so funny that we almost died laughing.
drop back
отступать, отходитьDuring the football match one of the players hurt his knee, and the coach told him to drop back and rest for a while.
drop names
вести себя раскованно, фамильярно"This is an informal gathering so let's drop names."
due process (of law)
должное исполнение законаEverybody is entitled to due process of law regardless of rank or power.
double-cross (someone)
обманывать, "обвести вокруг пальца"Don't trust Samuel Kortney, he is sure to double-cross you.
do away with (something)
покончить с чем-либо, разделатьсяMost of the deadly diseases were done away with long ago.
desert a sinking ship
покинуть тонущий корабльThe company is about to go bankrupt that's why the employees are deserting the sinking ship.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid - дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота, ДНКDNA varies from one individual to another.
drop around
прийти навеститьI invited my friends to drop around to see my new computer.
drum up (something)
поощрять что-либо, поддерживатьIt is necessary for the government to drum up small businesses.