Идиомы на тему Clothes

Настройки списка
  • fill (someone's) shoes
    занять чьё-либо место
    It was difficult for Mr. Sandford to fill the shoes of the previous lecturer.
  • roll up one's sleeves
    засучить рукава, приготовиться к серьёзной работе
    We had to roll up our sleeves to help clean the house from top to bottom.
  • dress up
    вырядится, надеть свою лучшую одежду
    Jenny dressed up before she went to a festive dinner at her friends'.
  • burst at the seams
    лопаться по швам, быть переполненным сверх меры
    The bus was very overcrowded; it was literally bursting at the seams.
  • talk through one's hat
    вести глупые разговоры, "нести чушь"
    "You are talking through your hat! What's got into you, I wonder?"
  • buckle down to (do something)
    энергично приниматься за дело
    The father told his son to stop fooling around and buckle down to do his work.
  • shoe is on the other foot
    положение изменилось, (теперь уже не то)
    The shoe is on the other foot now that my sister is the only money earner in the family after her husband's death.
  • too big for one's boots/breeches
    самонадеянный, зазнавшийся (человек)
    When the teacher made Peter a monitor, he got too big for his boots and she had to warn him.
  • handle (someone) with kid gloves
    обращаться с кем-либо бережно и осторожно
    Sue is difficult to deal with, so you'd better handle her with kid gloves when you speak to her.
  • fine-tooth/toothed comb
    тщательный просмотр, прочёсывание
    Cora went over the whole house with a fine-tooth comb, but she could not find her new pantyhose.
  • on (someone's) coat-tails
    в результате чьей-либо поддержки
    The man was elected to the city council on his co-workers' coat-tails.
  • decked out in (something)
    быть нарядно одетым
    At the award ceremony all the women were decked out in beautiful dresses.