Идиомы на тему Clothes
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bet one's boots
держать пари, биться об закладI bet my boots that Jeremy won't be promoted so soon after he started his new job.
die with one's boots on
умереть преждевременно или умереть на работеMr. Google had been working hard all his life and died with his boots on from a heart attack.
fill (someone's) shoes
занять чьё-либо местоIt was difficult for Mr. Sandford to fill the shoes of the previous lecturer.
if the shoe fits wear it
принимать замечание на свой счёт, "на воре шапка горит"Ann was mortally offended by my harmless remark. I looked at her and said that if the shoe fits, wear it.
in (someone's) shoes
на чьём-либо месте"If I were in your shoes, I would have done the same."
shoe is on the other foot
положение изменилось, (теперь уже не то)The shoe is on the other foot now that my sister is the only money earner in the family after her husband's death.
You bet your boots!
непременно, вне всякого сомнения"You bet your boots" was not a very elegant expression for a young lady, yet it was very emphatic.