Идиомы на тему Birds
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chicken and egg situation
ситуация, при которой не ясно, где причина, а где следствиеIt was a chicken and egg situation; I didn't quite understand what caused problems with the computer.
chicken feed
небольшая сумма денег"What you are giving me is chicken feed. I need a lot more money."
chicken out of (doing something)
струсить, не сделать что-либо из-за страхаSarah chickened out of skiing in the mountains.
трусливый, малодушныйMark is chicken-livered; he is easily scared.
chickens come home to roost
беда бедою отзовётся (то плохое, что желаете другому, вернётся к вам)Margaret's chickens have come home to roost, and she has to take responsibility for what she has done.
count one's chickens before they're hatched
делать преждевременные выводы, "цыплят по осени считают""You'd better not count your chickens before they're hatched. After all you haven't got that job yet."
go to bed with the chickens
рано ложиться спатьWhen I stayed with my grandparents, I had to go to bed with the chickens.
no spring chicken
(человек) не первой молодости"If I were you, I wouldn't work so much. Don't forget you are no spring chicken."
play chicken
играть в опасные игры (посмотреть, кто первым испугается)A few boys were playing chicken on the playground.
run around like a chicken with its head cut off
бегать как сумасшедший, метатьсяJoe spent the day running around like a chicken with its head cut off when he discovered that he had lost important documents.