To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
Уносить ноги вместе с зайцем и одновременно преследовать его с гончими (т. е. вести двойную игру).
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Другие пословицы:
- The mountain has brought forth a mouse
- Honey is not for the ass's mouth
- Fish begins to stink at the head
- If you agree to carry the calf, they'll make you carry the cow
- Every ass loves to hear himself bray
- An ass is but an ass, though laden with gold
- To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel
- If the sky falls, we shall catch larks
- When the fox preaches, take care of your geese
- As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
- To eat the calf in the cow's belly
- Crows do not pick crow's eyes
- All asses wag their ears
- The evils we bring on ourselves are hardest to bear
- To give a lark to catch a kite