A stitch in time saves nine
Один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти.
Смысл: то, что делается своевременно, экономит много труда впоследствии.
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Другие пословицы:
- Friends are thieves of time
- To live from hand to mouth
- Procrastination is the thief of time
- Time cures all things
- Live not to eat, but eat to live
- Time is money
- Happiness takes no account of time
- Life is not all cakes and ale (beer and skittles)
- No man is wise at all times
- He that lives with cripples learns to limp
- To fish in troubled waters
- Live and let live
- Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
- While there is life there is hope
- For the love of the game