
текст песни Agathdaimon

Grele ginduri, anemie, nocturn complot
Noaptea-I vie, iar o mie de stele
Ma privesc si eu tinjesc la ele
Oglinda-I sparta si in ea se oglindeste tot!

Desarte ginduri, lacomie, in mine tu
Un inger, un demon, un univers apus
Ca Marte de rosu, de moarte sedus
Oglinda-s eu si in ea te oglindesti si tu

Apropie-te, tirindu-te spre sinul natiunii
In somnul calm al nestiutorilor
Se vaita sufletele blestematilor
Ce ca lacrimi rosii se scurg din cupa ratiunii

Sterse pleoape-n adormire
Peste voi, razvratire, iara mie

Eyes I've kept always open, never meaning to see
Your white wings dipping into my crescent agony

I love your bleeding, for it keeps me seeking
And I won't ever cease, cause it tastes like honey
On my wounded lips
For whom was that smile

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