Идиомы на букву W

  • wet one's whistle
    выпить (что-либо спиртное), "промочить горло"
    Uncle Sam told Steve to wait outside for a minute while he went in to the bar to wet his whistle.
  • way to (someone's) heart
    путь к чьему-либо сердцу
    They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
  • What's up?
    В чём дело? Что происходит?
    "What's up?" asked Mark as he joined his friends. "Are you going to the disco?"
  • within reason
    в пределах разумного, умеренно
    If you want to go shopping, you must keep your expenses within reason.
  • Whatever will be, will be.
    что будет, то будет
    I am not going to give up. Whatever will be, will be.
  • win out (over someone or something)
    добиться успеха, выиграть процесс
    The lawsuit lasted a long time, but we finally won it out.
  • wing smth.
    действовать без подготовки
    I was not prepared to talk to the boss, so I had to wing it.
  • would give one's right arm (for something)
    отдать что-либо ценное (за что-либо)
    Jeffrey would give his right arm for the possibility to see Agatha again.
  • What one doesn't know won't hurt one.
    меньше знаешь, крепче спишь
    What the boss doesn't know won't hurt him, and it's not necessary to tell him about the missing files.
  • What's the big idea?
    Это ещё что? Зачем ты делаешь это?
    "I hear you are spreading false rumors about our company, what's the big idea?"
  • wear off/away
    смягчаться, проходить, исчезать
    The novelty of the news had worn off by now.
  • whoop it up
    шуметь, буянить
    The players were whooping it up after winning the match.
  • whip up (something)
    сделать или приготовить что-либо на скорую руку
    The reporter whipped up a story about the accident; his article will be published in the local paper.
  • within a stone's throw of something
    очень близко
    My aunt's house was within a stone's throw of the railway station.
  • weigh down on (someone)
    угнетать, тяготить, беспокоить кого-либо
    A huge debt weighed down on George for several months.
  • write up
    написать, описать
    Reporters from a lot of newspapers came to the Winter Olympics to write up the events.
  • wipe (someone's) slate clean
    исправиться, начать с начала, исправить прошлые ошибки
    Scot had been in prison for a few years, and then he was able to wipe his slate clean and start over.
  • well-heeled
    Roy's uncle, who is well-heeled, gave him a speedy sports car.
  • within a whisker of (doing something)
    почти что сделать что-либо
    Sam came within a whisker of selling his car, but he decided not to do it after all.
  • winning streak
    несколько побед подряд
    The baseball team extended their winning streak to six.
  • wink at (something)
    смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-либо
    A judge must never wink at any law-breaking.
  • What can I say?
    Что я могу сказать?
    "What can I say? I'm sorry that Tim turned out to be a double faced individual."
  • well up in years
    Julian is well up in years, but he is very energetic.
  • wipe out
    уничтожить полностью
    The woman put some poison all over the kitchen floor to wipe out the cockroaches.
  • ways and means
    способы и средства, пути и способы изыскания денежных средств
    The teenagers were trying to think of ways and means to go camping for the weekend.
  • WC
    Water Closet - ватер клозет, туалет
    There are several WC in the park.
  • whip up
    расшевелить, заставить быть активным
    Marilyn was trying to whip up interest for a dance on Saturday night.
  • within an inch of one's life
    почти до смерти, быть на волосок от смерти
    The bear clawed the hunter, and the man was within an inch of his life.
  • What's new?
    Что нового?
    "What's new?" my friend asked me after we hadn't seen each other for two months.
  • welcome to do something
    приветствовать или одобрять какую-либо деятельность
    My friend said I was welcome to come and see her whenever I liked.
  • weigh one's words
    взвешивать свои слова
    When Professor Smith talked to the students about becoming doctors, he spoke slowly, weighing his words.
  • without further ado
    без проволочек
    I had applied for a visa and was granted it without further ado.
  • what about
    о чём? как насчёт (чего-либо)
    "Look here Jimmy. I want to talk to you." - "What about?"
  • wreak havoc with/on (something)
    причинять ущерб или разрушения чему-либо
    The river flooded and wreaked havoc on the towns situated on its banks.
  • wipe off
    She wiped off her drawing from the board.