Идиомы на букву W

  • wet behind the ears
    новичок, молокосос
    Cathy is still wet behind the ears; she has not yet learned the tricks that the students play on each other.
  • with hat in hand
    униженно, смиренно
    I was about to come to my friend with hat in hand to ask him to forgive me.
  • with flying colors
    с огромным успехом
    Victor was able to finish the race with flying colors.
  • wrap (someone) around one's little finger
    полностью контролировать кого-либо, быть под каблуком у кого-либо
    Sue is very popular with boys, and she can easily wrap any of them around her finger.
  • win (something) hands down
    выиграть с лёгкостью, шутя одержать победу
    The tennis player won the game hands down.
  • warm up to (someone or something)
    оживляться, становиться заинтересованным или дружелюбным
    It takes an hour or so for some children to warm up to strangers.
  • work out (a problem)
    решить проблему
    Tamara had had trouble getting along with her mother-in-law, but they finally worked it out.
  • weigh on (someone's) mind
    угнетать кого-либо, беспокоить, тяготить
    I was to take entrance exams in summer and this fact was weighing on my mind.
  • written all over (someone's) face
    на лице написано, на лице ясно отражено (какое-либо чувство, состояние)
    The fact that my younger sister had eaten all the sweets was written all over her face.
  • weather permitting
    при благоприятной погоде
    Weather permitting, we can keep our windows open all day long.
  • wear and tear
    износ, порча
    There was no money for replacement on the wear and tear on their supposedly very much injured property.
  • win (someone) over
    склонить на свою сторону, расположить к себе
    William won the English teacher over and she allowed him to stay away from classes for a few days.
  • welcome (someone) with open arms
    радушно приветствовать, встречать с распростертыми объятиями
    They welcomed the delegation with open arms.
  • work out
    прорабатывать, срабатывать, иметь определённый результат
    The boss asked me to work out the marketing costs.
  • wait with bated breath
    ждать с нетерпением; ждать, затаив дыхание
    Jack waited with bated breath for the results of his medical tests.
  • walk a tightrope
    рисковать, "ходить по канату"
    In a job like his a man is walking a tight rope all the time, and he'd better be quick on his feet if he doesn't want to fall down.
  • when the going gets tough (the tough get going)
    когда ситуация усложняется
    When the going gets tough, my father is always there to help me.
  • whet (someone's) appetite
    возбудить чей-либо интерес, заинтересовать
    I read an article about healthy foods, and it whetted my appetite for more information about the issue.
  • work hand in hand (with someone)
    тесно взаимодействовать с кем-либо, работать рука об руку
    The local authorities are working hand in hand with the population to clean the town after the flood.
  • whitewash (something)
    стараться истолковывать что-либо благоприятно, обелить что-либо
    The showman was accused of trying to whitewash the outrageous behavior of one of the pop singers.
  • work off
    избавиться, освободиться
    It was a convenient way of working off social obligations.
  • with a heavy heart
    с тяжёлым сердцем
    I told my friend about the accident with a heavy heart.
  • walk the plank
    быть вынужденным уйти с работы
    David was forced to walk the plank when the new owner bought the business.
  • wring one's hands
    беспокоиться, расстраиваться
    Linda didn't go to bed that night; she was wringing her hands, waiting for her husband's return from a yacht trip.
  • with an eye to (doing something)
    с намерением делать что-либо
    Sam Willows bought a big apartment house with an eye to renting it tenants.
  • walk down the aisle together
    пожениться, пойти к алтарю
    Lester Fisher and Margaret McBright walked down the aisle together on January 15.
  • Walls have ears
    нас могут услышать (и у стен есть уши)
    "It's a secret. Speak in a low voice. Walls have ears, you know."
  • work overtime
    работать сверхурочно
    I had been working overtime almost every day last month before I finished the design of the office building.
  • weasel out of (something)
    устраниться, уклоняться от чего-либо
    I have no wish to stay at work after office hours; I'd rather weasel out of the job they want me to do.
  • with all one's heart (and soul)
    всей душой, охотно, искренне
    Lucy is a wonderful woman; I admire her with all my heart and soul.
  • without rhyme or reason
    беспричинно; бессмысленно
    It seems to me Brian has temper tantrums without rhyme or reason
  • What's cooking?
    Что происходит?
    "What's cooking? Why has a crowd of people surrounded the car?"
  • with a jaundiced eye
    (видеть что-либо) в искажённом виде
    Mr. Smith is clever, but unfortunately he sees everything with a jaundiced eye.
  • wishy-washy
    Jonny is very wishy-washy and he won't be able to support us.
  • warts and all
    всецело, включая что-либо плохое
    Jordan seems to like Leila warts and all.