Идиомы на букву W
with the best of them
также, как любой другойThe boy can learn with the best of them if he makes the effort.
within a stone's throw of something
очень близкоMy aunt's house was within a stone's throw of the railway station.
within a whisker of (doing something)
почти что сделать что-либоSam came within a whisker of selling his car, but he decided not to do it after all.
within an inch of one's life
почти до смерти, быть на волосок от смертиThe bear clawed the hunter, and the man was within an inch of his life.
within calling distance
в пределах слышимости, неподалёкуWanda's mother told her to stay within calling distance because dinner was nearly ready.
within reason
в пределах разумного, умеренноIf you want to go shopping, you must keep your expenses within reason.
without batting an eye
без малейшего смущения, "и глазом не моргнул"Jimmy told his story without batting an eye, although not a word of it was true.
without fail
наверняка, обязательно, во что бы то не сталоTim had borrowed my laptop and promised to return it in two days without fail.
without further ado
без проволочекI had applied for a visa and was granted it without further ado.
without question
вне всякого сомнения, безусловноWithout question, Ben Livingford was the best student in his class.
without rhyme or reason
беспричинно; бессмысленноIt seems to me Brian has temper tantrums without rhyme or reason
wolf down (something)
есть, заглатывать что-либо с жадностьюThe boy hurriedly wolfed down his dinner and left the house.
wolf in sheep's clothing
волк в овечьей шкуреMrs. Parker trusted the lawyer until she understood that the man was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
word for word
буквально, дословно, слово в словоThe policeman asked Mrs. Martin to describe word for word exactly what had happened with her.
word of mouth
устная передача информацииWe heard about the new supermarket by word of mouth.
word to the wise
умный понимает с полусловаThe boss had once spoken to Jerry about being late all the time, and he supposed that a word to the wise was enough.
words stick in one's throat
с трудом говорить из-за волнения, "слова застряли в горле"I wanted to console Myra because of her loss, but the words stuck in my throat and I couldn't say a thing.
work hand in hand (with someone)
тесно взаимодействовать с кем-либо, работать рука об рукуThe local authorities are working hand in hand with the population to clean the town after the flood.
work in
втирать, проникать, просачиватьсяThe mother told Silvia to put some ointment on her skin and to work it in gently with her fingers.
work in (someone or something)
вклиниваться, включать (в расписание)When Professor Deanster was planning a course of lectures, she worked in a few ones on Russian History.
work into (something)
просунуть что-либо (с трудом)The shoes were rather tight and I worked my feet into them with difficulty.
work like a horse
много работать, "работать как лошадь"My grandmother is very fond of gardening, and she works like a horse to make the garden look nice.
work off
избавиться, освободитьсяIt was a convenient way of working off social obligations.
work on/upon
воздействовать на (кого-либо)The pills worked on my nerves and made me feel more relaxed.
work one's fingers to the bone
усердно работать, работать до мозолейSusan complained that she had to work her fingers to the bone for a meager pittance of a salary.
work one's way through college
работать, учась в колледже (университете)Steve had to work his way through college at a restaurant as a waiter.
work out
прорабатывать, срабатывать, иметь определённый результатThe boss asked me to work out the marketing costs.
work out (a problem)
решить проблемуTamara had had trouble getting along with her mother-in-law, but they finally worked it out.
work out (for the best)
успешно закончиться, принести результатыIf this commuter bus service works out, it will be used in other parts of the city.
work over
угрожать или избить (кого-либо)Last Saturday right after midnight, the hoodlums worked over Timothy in the park.
work overtime
работать сверхурочноI had been working overtime almost every day last month before I finished the design of the office building.
work up
возбуждать, доводить до (какого-либо эмоционального состояния)Samuel couldn't work up any interest in the book he was trying to read.
work wonders (with someone or something)
творить чудеса, быть благоприятным для кого-либо \ чего-либо"A good night's sleep will work wonders with you."
worked up
взволнованный, обеспокоенныйSomething must have happened; Sally sounded all worked up over the phone.
world is one's oyster
всё возможно для кого-либо, всё достижимоWhen Mark won the scholarship, he felt as though the world was his oyster.