Идиомы на тему Mouth and Teeth
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bad-mouth (someone or something)
оговаривать кого-то, отзываться плохо о ком-либо \ чём-либоTheir neighbor Mr. Cannon is a mean person; he has the habit of bad-mouthing everybody.
шумный, хвастливый и глупый собеседник, говорунNora Dales is a bigmouth and I hate talking with her.
by word of mouth
устно, на словахI don't want to write to them; I'd rather you did it by word of mouth.
down in the mouth
(быть) подавленным, несчастнымI felt sorry for Felicity; she looked so down in the mouth.
foam at the mouth
быть в бешенстве, "метать громы и молнии"Old Simpson foamed at the mouth when he understood that we had lied to him.
have a big mouth
болтун, сплетник"Don't trust Lily and never tell her any secrets; she has a big mouth."
keep one's mouth shut
помалкивать, "держать язык за зубами","If you have nothing to say, then keep your mouth shut and don't interrupt."
laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
приуныть после веселья, от смеха перейти к слезамSloan got a ticket for parking his car in the wrong place and was laughing out of the other side of his mouth.
leave a bad taste in one's mouth
оставить плохое впечатление, внушать отвращениеThe way he spoke at the meeting left a bad taste in my mouth.
болтун, треплоRon is a loudmouth; he is also noisy and boastful.
not open one's mouth
и рта не раскрыть, ничего не сказатьRobert was depressed; he did not open his mouth all day.
put words into (someone's) mouth
подсказать кому-либо, что надо говорить; "вложить слова в чьи-либо уста""Frank never said that. You are trying to put words in his mouth."
run off at the mouth
болтать без умолкуLinda is the most talkative girl I have ever met; she can run off at the mouth for hours.
say a mouthful
сказать что-либо важное, необычное, потрясающееMy friend did say a mouthful when she narrated her unusual story.
shoot one's mouth off
хвастливо болтать или говорить о том, чего хорошо не знаешьSandra always shoots her mouth off about something she doesn't know very well.
Shut your mouth!
замолчать, заткнутьсяSilvia's bragging got on my nerves, so I asked her to shut up.
take the words out of (someone's) mouth
предвосхитить то, что хотел сказать другойI wanted to add a few more items to the agenda, but the chairman took the words out of my mouth.