Идиомы на букву M

  • make book on (something)
    заключать пари, делать ставки
    At the horse races people make book on one of the horses.
  • make chin music
    болтать, разговаривать
    When the two old friends met, they spent the whole day making chin music.
  • make cracks (about someone or something)
    шутить, отпускать шутки на счёт кого-либо \ чего-либо
    The reporter made cracks about the famous actor during the interview.
  • make do with (something)
    заменять что-либо
    There was no porridge for breakfast, so they had to make do with cornflakes.
  • make ends meet
    сводить концы с концами
    Dina's salary is so small that she can hardly make ends meet.
  • make eyes at (someone)
    строить глазки, флиртовать с кем-либо
    Marion tried to make eyes at Jimmy, but he paid no attention to her.
  • make for (someone or somewhere)
    направляться к кому-либо или куда-либо
    Saying this, Henry resolutely made for the door.
  • make free with (someone or something)
    свободно распоряжаться кем-либо \ чем-либо (как своим)
    The nephew made free with his uncle's money.
  • make friends
    подружиться с кем-либо
    When Ivory was on holiday in Spain, he made friends with a lot of people.
  • make fun of (someone or something)
    высмеивать кого-либо \ что-либо
    "I don't understand why you are always making fun of him."
  • make good money
    зарабатывать хорошие деньги
    Pam was able to make good money doing a full-time job at a souvenir factory.
  • make good on (something)
    выполнять что-либо, сдержать обещание
    Sue is very reliable; she always makes good on her promise.
  • make good time
    показать хорошее время, быстро пройти или проехать какое-либо расстояние
    They made good time and arrived home quicker than I had expected.
  • make hay while the sun shines
    делать что-либо в подходящее время, воспользоваться благоприятным случаем
    "You should take advantage of the opportunity and make hay while the sun shines."
  • make heads or tails (out) of (something)
    находить значение в чём-либо, понимать
    Sam could not make heads or tails of the lines and dots on the map.
  • make headway
    делать успехи, продвигаться вперёд
    Though they had been bargaining for nearly three days, they didn't make headway with the agreement.
  • make it
    удаться, получиться, преуспеть
    "I meant to have visited you, but unfortunately I couldn't make it."
  • make it as far as
    добраться куда-либо
    We made it as far as the suburbs when our car broke down.
  • make it hot for (someone)
    здорово выругать, взгреть кого-либо
    "If you don't do what you must, I'll make it hot for you."
  • make it one's business to (do something)
    считать своим кровным делом, своей обязанностью
    I made it my business to take care of my sister's children.
  • make it to first base
    сделать успешный первый шаг
    Collin could not make it to first base in his effort to get a new job.
  • make it up to (someone)
    делать что-либо, чтобы компенсировать за невыполненную просьбу или возместить долг
    I can't give you a hand now, but I will make it up to you tomorrow.
  • make it worth (someone's) while to do (something)
    делать что-либо выгодным, доходным для кого-либо
    The supermarket made it worth their while to work round the clock.
  • make life miserable for (someone)
    сделать жизнь невыносимой для кого-либо
    The mother-in-law made life miserable for her son and his wife.
  • make light of (something)
    относиться с лёгкостью к чему-либо
    Gina made light of her relationship with Paul and he resented it.
  • make little of (someone or something)
    умалять заслуги кого-либо, преуменьшать значение чего-либо
    "If I were you, I wouldn't make little of your mother's help."
  • make merry
    We entertained guests last night; we ate, drank and made merry.
  • make mincemeat out of (someone)
    разбить, уничтожить, "превратить в котлету"
    Jeremy felt as if someone had made mincemeat out of him; his body ached all over.
  • make mischief
    ссорить, вредить, сеять раздоры
    Cora enjoys making mischief whenever she feels like it.
  • make money hand over fist
    зарабатывать много денег быстро и легко
    During the World War the company was making money hand over fist.
  • make no bones about (something)
    не колебаться или не церемониться
    Mike made no bones about the matter; he despised Captain Blood.
  • make no difference to (someone)
    не иметь значения для кого-либо (мне всё равно)
    It made no difference to Alec if he would go to the country or stay in town.
  • make no mistake (about something)
    не обманываться на счёт чего-либо
    I told Otto to make no mistake about Ann's attitude to him.
  • make nothing of (something)
    не придавать значения, игнорировать что-либо
    I told Frieda to keep her opinion to herself, but she made nothing of it.
  • make of (someone or something)
    иметь, составить мнение о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    I have known Erick for a few years but yet I can't make anything of him.