Идиомы на тему Initials

Настройки списка
  • GMT
    Greenwich Mean Time - время по Гринвичскому меридиану
    GMT is a place near London which is used as the standard for time around the world
  • PS
    Postscript - постскриптум
    If I want to add some extra information, I write PS at the very end of a letter.
  • MP3
    MPEG-1 audio layer 3 - МР3, метод компрессии цифровой звукозаписи
    I often listen to my MP3 player when I drive home from work
  • PTA
    Parent-Teacher Association - Учительско-родительская ассоциация
    The teacher told the pupils' parents that a PTA meeting would be held on Friday.
  • FM
    Frequency Modulation - частотная модуляция (тип радио сигнала)
    I like an FM station and listen to it regularly.
  • IQ
    Intelligence Quotient - коэффициент умственного развития
    The IQ of the new student is very low.
  • WC
    Water Closet - ватер клозет, туалет
    There are several WC in the park.
  • RCMP
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police - королевская конная полиция Канады
    There was a movie on TV about the RCMP, and it was quite interesting.
  • PR
    Public Relations - пиар, связи с общественностью
    The politician easily won the election due to good PR.
  • LP
    Long-Playing Record - долгоиграющая пластинка
    LPs are no longer popular, and John decided to give all of his old records to a charity.
  • TBA
    To Be Announced - подлежит объявлению (позднее)
    I looked at the Board to find out the time of the arrival of my train but it only said TBA.
  • GP
    General Practitioner - врач терапевт
    I had to see a GP before I joined the university football team.
  • SOB
    Son Of a Bitch - сукин сын
    The man got angry called Sam a SOB when Sam tried to jump the queue at the filling station.
  • KO
    Knockout - нокаут
    Jeremy is a very good boxer and he won the match in the second round by a KO.
  • ETA
    Estimated Time of Arrival - расчётное время прибытия
    Though the ETA was six p.m. we didn't arrive as expected because our flight was delayed.
  • PLO
    Please Leave On - пожалуйста не стирайте (надпись на школьной доске)
    The teacher wanted the information to be left on the board, so she wrote PLO on it.
  • LPG
    Liquid Petroleum Gas - сжиженный углеводородный газ
    The driver of a truck carrying LPG should be very careful.
  • POW
    Prisoner of War - военнопленный
    When the Second World Was ended, the negotiations regarding POWs lasted for a few years.
  • UV
    Ultraviolet - ультрафиолет
    Too much of UV rays are harmful for your health.
  • TLC
    Tender Loving Care - нежная забота
    With lots of TLC the little puppies felt very well.
  • MC
    конферансье, распорядитель (на балу, вечере, свадьбе)
    Steve was the MC for his friend's wedding.
  • HQ
    Headquarters - штаб, главное управление
    The Police HQ is located downtown.
  • MD
    Doctor of Medicine - доктор медицины
    Cronin, the author of "The Citadel", received his MD when she was 25 years old.
  • PM
    Post Meridiem - после полудня
    The children usually come home from school at two p.m.
  • MP
    Member of Parliament - член парламента
    Josef Rickson, an MP, was kidnapped yesterday when he was driving to work.
  • SOS
    сигнал бедствия, СОС (спасите наши души)
    The Titanic was sending out SOS signals, but the Carpathia was too far away from the ship and couldn't come to its rescue.
  • OR
    Operating Room - операционная (в больнице)
    The patient was taken to the OR to be operated on for appendicitis.
  • TKO
    Technical Knockout - технический нокаут
    The boxer was awarded a TKO and won the boxing match.
  • HIV
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus - вирус иммунодефицита
    Nick is a drug edict and he most certainly has HIV infection.
  • TP
    Toilet Paper - туалетная бумага
    Sally bought several rolls of TP.
  • MSc
    Master of Science - магистр естественных наук
    Tina has been able to find a job easily because she has an MSc in Biology.
  • TB
    Tuberculosis - туберкулёз
    One of Andrew's patients got TB and was taken to hospital.