Идиомы на тему Initials

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  • IMF
    International Monetary Fund - Международный валютный фонд (МВФ)
    The IMF or International Monetary Fund is an international agency that works to stabilize currencies.
  • TA
    Teaching Assistant - помощник учителя
    Wanda didn't have much experience in teaching and was able to get only the job as a TA at the community college.
  • VP
    Vice-President - вице-президент
    Dick Chaney served faithfully as VP for many years.
  • VTR
    Video Tape Recorder-видеомагнитофон
    Since a VTR was installed in the classroom we have been using it at the lessons.
  • OAU
    Organization of African Unity - организация Африканского единства
    Zimbabwe is a member of the OAU.
  • DUI
    Driving Under the Influence - управление автомобилем под воздействием (алкоголя или наркотиков)
    The young man was found guilty of DUI and sent to jail for several months.
  • OAP
    Old Age Pensioner - пенсионер
    This store often gives discount that was to OAPs.
  • VIP
    Very Important Person - очень важная персона
    There is special room at the airport for VIP passengers.
  • ECG
    Electrocardiogram - электрокардиограмма (ЭКГ)
    The doctor advised me to take an ECG test as soon as possible.
  • VCR
    Video Cassette Recorder - видеомагнитофон
    There is a VCR in our family room and we often use it.
  • CEO
    Chief Executive Officer - главный управляющий, главный исполнительный директор
    Sam Willows is the CEO of a large telephone company.
  • ESL
    English as a Second Language - английский как иностранный (как второй язык)
    ESL is taught almost in every country of the world because English is rightly considered to be an international language.
  • VDU
    Video Display Unit - устройство визуального отображения, дисплей
    My VDU began to cause problems, so I had to buy a new one.
  • DVD
    Digital Video Disc - цифровой видео диск, ДВД
    DVDs are more popular than CDs.
  • CPA
    Certified Public Accountant - дипломированный бухгалтер
    Jenny Brown in the accounting department is studying for her CPA exams now.
  • DIY
    Do-It-Yourself - магазин типа "Делай сам"
    We are planning to repair our country house this summer, so my father went to a DIY store to buy the necessary materials.
  • COD
    Cash On Delivery - оплата наличными при доставке
    I have ordered a few textbooks and the salesperson says they will send them to me COD.
  • DJ
    Disc Jockey - диск жокей
    I have made up my mind to work as a DJ for a few months.
  • ER
    Emergency Room - реанимация
    ER is the place in a hospital where doctors deal with emergency cases.
  • RSVP
    Respondez S'il Vous Plait - просьба ответить (пометка на письменном приглашении)
    The invitation to the conference said RSVP, so Emma quickly sent off a note to say that she would not be able to attend.
  • VHF
    Very High Frequency - очень высокая частота
    The DVD wasn't working properly because of a problem with the VHF connection.
  • BSc
    Bachelor of Science - бакалавр естественных наук
    Felix received a BSc in Physics from his university and found a good job.
  • CD
    Compact Disc - компакт-диск
    I have recently bought a few CDs.
  • MIA
    Missing In Action - пропавший без вести
    There are a few hundred MIA soldiers in Afghanistan.
  • OD
    Overdose - передозировка (лекарств)
    It was reported that several young men died because of a drug OD.
  • RIP
    Rest In Peace - покойся с миром (надпись на могиле)
    I looked at the gravestone and saw the inscription RIP on it.
  • FBI
    Federal Bureau of Investigation - ФБР (Федеральное бюро расследования)
    The FBI mostly deals with serious cases like kidnapping for example.
  • GI
    Government Issue - казённый, прозвище солдат в американской армии
    GI is the nickname of an American soldier.
  • PE
    Physical Education - физкультура
    PE was my favorite subject at school.
  • PC
    Politically Correct - полит корректный
    It is supposed that all material published in a newspaper must be PC.
  • PhD
    Doctor of Philosophy - доктор философии
    Norman Brown, who is a PhD in Philosophy, has been delivering lectures at the university for many years.
  • LLB
    Bachelor of Laws - бакалавр права
    In order to practice law it is necessary to receive LLB.
  • FYI
    For Your Information - для вашего сведения
    My boss asked me to write FYI on the information bulletin and send it to the other members of the staff.
  • ESP
    Extrasensory Perception - экстрасенсорное восприятие
    We read a story of a ten-year-old girl who had the ability of ESP.
  • GNP
    Gross National Product - валовой национальный продукт
    The total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year is called GNP.