Идиомы на тему Heart
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with all one's heart (and soul)
всей душой, охотно, искреннеLucy is a wonderful woman; I admire her with all my heart and soul.
heart bleeds for (someone)
сочувствовать кому-либо, сердце кровью обливается за кого-либоMy heart bleeds for the victims of the war in Ossetia.
from the bottom of one's heart
от всего сердца, искренне, от всей душиThe words of gratitude, which the girl pronounced, came from the bottom of her heart.
heart stands still
быть очень испуганным или обеспокоенным, "сердце остановилось"My heart stood still when I heard strange sounds coming from my bedroom.
from the heart
искренне, честноSarah thanked me and her gratitude came from the heart.
find it in one's heart to (do something)
найти в себе мужество сделать что-либо, быть отзывчивым"Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"
do (something) in a heartbeat
делать что-либо немедленно, тот час жеAlan would quit his present job in a heartbeat if he could find a better one.
open one's heart to (someone)
довериться, рассказать о своих чувствахThere were just the two of us in the compartment and my fellow traveler started to open her heart to me.
know (something) by heart
знать что-либо наизустьJane has a very good memory and she knows many poems by heart.
do (someone's) heart good
идти на пользу или радовать чьё-либо сердцеIt does my Granny's heart good to see her grandchildren play happily.
warm the cockles of (someone's) heart
радовать кого-либо, согревать душуThey treated him as if he had just come back from the North Pole, and it warmed the cockles of his heart.
strike at the heart of (something)
ударить в самое сердцеHer husband's infidelity struck at the heart of Mira's idea of a happy family life.
search one's heart/soul
раздумывать (над чем-либо)Since his wife's death in a car crash, Tim had been searching his soul to see if he could have prevented the accident.
heart is set on (something)
очень хотеть чего-либо, желать всем сердцемWanda's heart was set on immigrating to Canada.
heart is set against (something)
быть настроенным против чего-либоSandra's heart was set against her daughter's marriage.
heart is dead set against (something)
быть решительно настроенным против чего-либоMy heart was dead set against buying a secondhand car.
go (somewhere) in a heartbeat
идти куда-либо немедленно, сразу жеMy friend asked me to come and I went to her place in a heartbeat.
in one's heart of hearts
в глубине душиRon swore he would stake me, but in my heart of hearts I knew I couldn't trust him.
win (someone's) heart
добиться чьей-либо любви, расположения"If you want to win Leona's heart, you should be kind and caring to her."
set one's heart against (something)
быть настроенным против чего-либоAt first my mother set her heart against taking a dog from the animal shelter, but then she yielded to her son's request.
heartbeat away from (something)
лицо, к которому перейдёт титул, наследство или власть в случае смерти родственникаSofia, the young princess was a heartbeat away from becoming the next queen of her country.
way to (someone's) heart
путь к чьему-либо сердцуThey say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.