Идиомы на тему Education

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  • learn by rote
    зубрить (без понимания материала)
    At school my weakest subject was Physics; I learned the material by rote without really understanding it.
  • live in an ivory tower
    жить, не зная житейских забот
    I think Helen lives in an ivory tower; she is unaware of the realities of everyday life.
  • make the grade
    преуспеть в чём-либо, добиться чего-либо
    Jim was able to make the grade and joined the baseball team.
  • meet the requirements (for something)
    соответствовать требованиям для чего-либо
    The young teacher didn't meet the requirements for a substitute teacher.
  • off campus
    (быть) за территорией колледжа или университета
    The cafe we usually went to was off campus.
  • old boy network
    старые университетские связи
    William was able to get a good job through an old boy network.
  • on campus
    на территории колледжа или университета
    There is a good library on campus which we often attend after our classes.
  • pass with flying colors
    успешно закончить, получить высокий балл
    Most of the students in our Math class passed the test with flying colors.
  • play hooky
    прогуливать занятия в школе
    Simon often played hooky and never had a valid reason for his absence.
  • publish or perish
    публиковать свои труды, если хочешь преуспеть
    Stuart had to publish or perish if he wanted to advance in his career at the university.
  • put one's thinking cap on
    She put her thinking cap on and tried to decide what to do with her old house which was falling to pieces.
  • read out loud
    читать вслух
    His letter was read out loud to us.
  • read to oneself
    читать про себя
    I saw her lips moving as she was reading to herself.
  • school of hard knocks
    суровый жизненный опыт
    You learn about ordinary experiences of life in the school of hard knocks.
  • school of thought
    общее мнение или точка зрения
    There are several schools of thought about the system of education in the country.
  • show-and-tell
    демонстрировать, показывать и рассказывать
    The teacher asked her students to bring their favorite toys for show-and-tell.
  • take attendance
    отмечать, регистрировать присутствующих
    The Dean asked our monitor to take attendance when the students came to the lecture.
  • take the roll
    делать перекличку
    Before the teacher began the lesson she took the roll.
  • teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
    поучать старших, "учить учёного"
    Bill was trying to show the mechanic how to repair his car, and it was like teaching my grandmother to suck eggs.
  • teach someone a lesson
    преподать кому-либо урок, проучить кого-либо
    The burns the child got from playing with matches taught him a lesson.
  • teacher's pet
    любимчик (учителя)
    I never was my teacher's pet when I studies in high school.
  • three R's
    три составные начального образования: чтение, письмо, арифметика
    Students study the three R's in elementary school.
  • town-and-gown
    взаимоотношения между населением города и, расположенном в нём, университетом
    There are town-and-gown fights almost every year when parties are held for the new graduates.
  • university of life
    жизненный университет (знания, получаемые в повседневной жизни и труде)
    'University of life' is learning from daily life and work rather than getting higher education.
  • work one's way through college
    работать, учась в колледже (университете)
    Steve had to work his way through college at a restaurant as a waiter.