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A for effort
оценка за стараниеThe children in the nursery school received an A for effort for their drawings of animals.
above average
выше среднегоTim's grades were always above average in all subjects.
as easy as ABC
очень легкоIt is not difficult for most children to learn how to use a cell phone; actually it is as easy as ABC.
back to basics
возврат к традиционному образованиюMiss Potters is sure that it is necessary to go back to basics if you want to get good results.
below average
ниже среднегоThe results of the English test were below average, and the teacher was very upset.
книжный червь (человек, который много читает)Pauline is said to be a bookworm; she is very fond of reading books.
brainstorm something
мозговой штурм чего-либоThe students decided to brainstorm ideas for the homecoming ball.
call the roll
проверка присутствующих, перекличкаThe teacher called the roll and found out that four students were absent from class.
cap and gown
академическая одежда для церемоний в университете (берет и мантия)The university students are supposed to wear cap and gown to the graduation ceremony.
catch up to (someone or something)
догнать кого-либо, в том числе в учёбе, в состязанияхDiane was ill for a month and missed a lot of classes; now she is trying to catch up to the students of her class.
count noses
считать людей "считать по головам""I'll have to count noses before I take the children out for a walk."
cover a lot of ground
охватить много учебного материалаThe students covered a lot of ground in their Geography class at college.
cow college
сельскохозяйственный колледжMy mother wants me to go to a cow college, but I'd rather enter a medical school.
crack a book
открывать книгу (для занятий, уроков)Jim should have cracked a book long before the end of term.
crank out a paper
писать что-либо механически, не думаяAt the university I used to crank out a paper to be able to pass exams.
cut class
пропускать занятияThere is no excuse for the students' cutting class.
draw a blank
потерпеть неудачу, ничего не добитьсяHe called the hotel, his father's office and his club. He drew a blank everywhere.
drop out of school
выбыть из школы, бросить учёбуMelanie dropped out of college at the end of the first year.
fill (something) in
вставить слова в пропускиThe assignment was to fill in the appropriate words in the gaps.
fill in the blanks
вставить слова в пропускиThe assignment was to fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
flunk out
исключать из учебного заведения за неуспеваемость; провалить какой-либо предметI am afraid that I might flunk out of the art course at college.
from the old school
(идеи) старой системы образованияEvidently Ms Cruncher was from the old school because she forbade her grandchildren to watch TV.
get credit for (a course)
получить зачётJack was not able to get credit for the History course though it was as easy as ABC.
get through (a course or set of material)
завершить курс или учебный материалWe were happy to get through a course in Astronomy at last; we thought the subject to be very dull.
goof off
слоняться без дела, "филонить"Rick came at six, goofed off for an hour and then left.
have one's nose in a book
читать книгу, "уткнуться в книгу"Whenever I see Liz, she always has her nose in a book.
higher education
высшее образованиеI would like to get higher education that's why I am going to enter a university.
hit the books
серьёзно готовиться к занятиямI had to read for my History exam, so I stayed home and hit the books.
honor roll
список особо отличившихся студентовMark Clemens, who is a very gifted student, was on the honor roll during his last year in high school.
in pen
(писать) перомIt is necessary to fill in documents in pen but not in pencil.
in pencil
карандашомI wrote the exam in pencil in case I wanted to change some of the answers.
in single file
стоять в ряд друг за другомThe people lined up in single file before they entered the auditorium to watch a new film.
Ivy League
небольшая группа наиболее престижных университетовIvy League school is a small group of famous eastern United States universities such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
know one's ABCs
знать основное о чём-либо, иметь базовые знанияThe woman in the library knew her ABC's and could quickly give me the information I needed.
learn by heart
учить что-либо наизустьWhen I was a child, I was good at learning poems by heart; now my memory is not so good.