# Max Yavorovsky
The guy rushed into the drug-store: Oh, give me 10 condoms, I'm dating such a pretty hot girl and today I'll have such a night with her... No, give me 20 condoms - her young sister is so nice! No, give 30 - her mother is also so hot-assed.
The girl invited the boy to have dinner with her family before going out. The mother turned out to be a perfect cook, her father cracked jokes all the time, but the boy was serious and silent. When he went out to smoke the girl said^
-Johnny, you've never told ma that you are so serious.
-Jane, you've never told me, that your father works at the drug-store. -
# Max Yavorovsky
Букингемский дворец. Утро. У ворот лежит пьяный в дым мужик. Подходит полицейсий:
-Сэр, здесь нельзя лежать - здес проезжает королева.
-I fucked your Queen.
-In bed!
-I'm sorry sir! -
# Max Yavorovsky
Два друга. Один спраивает:
-Мы с тобой курим одну и ту же марку сигарет. Я скуриваю 3, а ты одну. Как?
-Я надеваю презерватив на сигарету.
Парень вбегает в аптеку:
-Gimmi one condom, please.
-For man? For woman?
-For camel.
-Oh, king size!!! -
# Max Yavorovsky
Группа туристов в Америке. Гид говорит:
-Если вы потерялись и к вам пристают требуйте нашего консула.
Двое забрели в Гарлем. Из подворотни выходит 2-х метровый негр-сутенер:
-Gentleme, do you need a woman?
-A man?
-A boy or a girl!
-Some animal?
-No! Ukrainian Consul, please.
-Possible, but very expensive. -
# Max Yavorovsky
American Immigration Control.
-Abdul Al Rashid.
-3-4 times a day.
-No, I mean male or female?
-Male, famale, sometimes camels. -
# Max Yavorovsky
Professor comes into the room. All the students are loughing and crying. Professor says^
-Gentlemen, order!
All the students together^
-Beer, please!In the room for clothes on the hanger it is written: "Only for teachers!", underneath "You can also hang your coats and hats.
Conversation in the WC between the students:
Cambridge student (washing his hands) - We were taught that after taking a piss on should wash hands.
Oxford student: - And we were taught not to piss on our hands. -
# Denis
Salesman of the Year!!! The best story when I heard!