Compress - формы английского глагола

Английский глагол compress является правильным глаголом. Его вторая и третья форма образуются при помощи окончания -ed.

3 формы глагола compress

Infinitive Начальная форма Past Simple Вторая форма Past Participle Третья форма
[ ˈkɔmpres ]
[ kəmˈprest ]
[ kəmˈprest ]

Другие формы:

  • Причастие настоящего времени:
    compressing [ kəmˈprɛsɪŋ ]
  • 3-е лицо единственного числа:
    compresses [ ˈkɒmprɛsɪz ]

Значения глагола compress

  • сжимать
  • сдавливать
  • уплотнять

Примеры фраз

compress the air
сжатие воздуха

Примеры предложений

This machine can compress the paper into thick cardboard.
Этот станок предназначен для прессования твёрдого картона из обычной бумаги.
Send it to me as a compressed file.
Отправь мне это в виде сжатого файла.
The gas was compressed into a gas cylinder.
Газ был сжат в баллоне для газа.
It is going to be very difficult to compress this mass of material into a book of ordinary length.
Уместить такой обильный материал в книгу обычного объёма будет крайне трудно.
"CGA" means the Compressed Gas Association.
"АСГ" означает Ассоциацию по сжатым газам.
A computer program for compressing and decompressing files.
Компьютерная программа для сжатия файлов и decompressing.
A soft compressing bandage must be worn for 4 days.
В течение 4 дней следует носить мягкую давящую повязку.

Спряжение глагола compress во временных формах

Simple Tense - Простое время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее
I compress
you compress
he, she compresses
we compress
they compress
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
I compressed
you compressed
he, she compressed
we compressed
they compressed
Future Simple
Простое будущее
I will compress
you will compress
he, she will compress
we will compress
they will compress

Continuous Tense - Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
I am compressing
you are compressing
he, she is compressing
we are compressing
they are compressing
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
I was compressing
you were compressing
he, she was compressing
we were compressing
they were compressing
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
I will be compressing
you will be compressing
he, she will be compressing
we will be compressing
they will be compressing

Perfect Tense - Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
I have compressed
you have compressed
he, she has compressed
we have compressed
they have compressed
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
I had compressed
you had compressed
he, she had compressed
we had compressed
they had compressed
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
I will have compressed
you will have compressed
he, she will have compressed
we will have compressed
they will have compressed

Perfect Continuous Tense - Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
I have been compressing
you have been compressing
he, she has been compressing
we have been compressing
they have been compressing
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
I had been compressing
you had been compressing
he, she had been compressing
we had been compressing
they had been compressing
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
I will have been compressing
you will have been compressing
he, she will have been compressing
we will have been compressing
they will have been compressing
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